68 | Why Bananas?

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The other boys sat in Mingi and Jongho's room, the furtherest away from San's, while Wooyoung explained to them everything that had happened.

After Wooyoung had finished updating them, everyone sat and processed what they had heard, the air heavy around them.

'I can't believe he did that,' Seonghwa said quietly. 'What would have happened if Wooyoung hadn't gone home early?'

'I prefer not to think about it,' Wooyoung replied, nauseous at the thought.

Hongjoong spoke up. 'I told my manager that we need time off. I've had enough of this. None of us can concentrate anyway, and one of us needs support we can't give if we're in between the company and home constantly.'

The boys nodded.

Wooyoung pulled his knees to his chest and hugged them. 'If he starts talking more, it will help him, right?'

They nodded.

'The first step is getting him to acknowledge it,' Mingi said. 'You are doing well,' he added, putting a comforting hand on his back.

'Are you okay though?' Jongho asked.

Woo looked up, confused. 'Me?'

He nodded.

'Why would you ask if I -'

A noise from down the hall distracted him. He leant back and poked his head out the door to see down the hall. San's door was open, and he was peeking outside.

'Where do you think you're going?' Wooyoung asked.

San's head snapped around and their eyes met. 'Water...?'

Woo narrowed his eyes. 'Sleep, San. I put water next to your bed.'

San nodded, a tiny movement, and retreated back into his room.

Closing the door, Wooyoung returned to the discussion.

'Is he in bed again?' Joong asked.

'In his room at the very least. I'm going to go check on him.' Wooyoung stood up and made for the door.

'Woo,' Yeosang called.

'Yeah?' he asked, spinning around.

'How was your morning mood assessment?'

Wooyoung thought back to the moment in the hospital where he'd realised that he didn't care anymore, not unless San was okay and by his side.

He also thought about the moment he was with San while he shaved, noticing the conflict was gone. He smiled. 

Yeosang nodded, understanding. He popped him a thumbs up and grinned. 'Congrats. Took a while but we got there in the end. Shall I buy some bananas for purely celebratory and practical rehearsal purposes?' He asked, winking.

Wooyoung glared at him. 'You really have no filter.' He opened the door and just before he left, he looked at Yeosang. 'Just fyi, the fact that you think I need practise is-'

Yeosang wolf whistled and laughed as he watched Woo leave the room.

Jongho looked innocently between the door and Yeosang. 'Why bananas?'

Yeosang patted the boy on the head and exchanged a teasing glance with Hongjoong.

Rolling his eyes, Joong gave him a warning glare as Yeosang just grinned.

'No reason, baby. Just because.'


It's getting to the point where I don't remember where I'm up to in the publishing and I can't remember who knows what 😳


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