Chapter 9 // Karasuno

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If you don't know, I posted my Miya twins oneshot. If you doesn't read it yet, check it out! Now, onto the chapter!!
Tsukishima: We need to talk about your relationship with Kozume-san.

Hinata was shocked on what Tsukishima texted to him.

Hinata: What do you mean?

Tsukishima: Let's just meet tomorrow. 3 pm should be fine. At the cafeteria near the school.

Hinata: Okay.

Hinata thinks on what's probably Tsukishima would say. Because of tiredness, he just fall asleep.

-Time Skip-

Hinata is now closer to the cafeteria where they're going to meet. As he walks closer, his heart is beating fast sign of nervousness on what may Tsukishima would say. Not so long enough, he reaches his destination. Before he walks in, he take a deep breath for almost 5 times.

As he walks in someone call his name. "Hinata-kun!!" Hinata was surprised when Yachi called him. His nervousness is coming back. He walks closer to the table where Yachi, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi seat. Wait, Yamaguchi? Hinata is now confused and scared now.

"Sit down." Tsukishima invited Shoyo to seat beside Yachi. "I thought we were the only one who's going to talk about this?" Hinata asked. "Why, is it wrong that I tag along the other first year?" Hinata didn't replied to his question, but he notices something. "Where's Kageyama?" The three of them just look at each other. "Hey! Is there something happened to Kageyama?" Hinata asked again. "No, no... There's nothing happened to him..." Replied by Yamaguchi.

"Okay, I'm not gonna make this short. Yamaguchi, tell them why we didn't invite Kageyama." By 'them' meaning Hinata and Yachi. "Okay. The reason is... He likes you Hinata..." Both of Hinata and Yachi were surprised on this revelation. "Wait, what?" "You're not a deaf. You hear it clearly. Kageyama likes you." Followed by Tsukishima. "Since when?!" Asked by Hinata. "I don't know. But he said it to me when we were on the training camp." Yamaguchi answered nervously.

Hinata is processing on what Yamaguchi said. "But, why we talking this right now?" Asked by confused Yachi. "That's because Hinata is going to confess." Answered by Tsukishima. The 3 of them look at Hinata. "Wait, what do you mean confess?" "You know what I mean. The reason why I call you here."

Everyone is still keep staring on Hinata and waiting for his answer. Hinata take a deep breath and then talked. "I... Me and Kenma are dating..." This time Yamaguchi and Yachi are shocked. "Since when?!" Asked in unison by Yamaguchi and Yachi. "Ever since... The training camp..." He answered mumbling. "But I still don't know what's this conversation about." Hinata complained.

"Yachi-san, as a manager, tell him about yesterday's conversation." Hinata was confused on what Tsukishima is talking about. "Hinata... Yesterday, when you go home... We kinda discuss about you..." Yachi's explanation. "And then?" Said by Hinata asking for a continuation. "We talked about you and Kozume-san... If you have a relationship... But, but-" Tsukishima partake Yachi's explanation. "When I asked if you have a relationship, they're going to kick you out."

Hinata was surprised on what he heard. "What!? Why?!" He shoutingly asked. "Calm down Hinata. We really don't know why either but our senpais agree on it." Said by Yamaguchi. Hinata is trying to hold his anger. "I'm not on the position to say this but, you should break up with Kozume-san." Hearing those words from Tsukishima makes Hinata cried.

"If you still want to be on the team, break up with him." "But what if I don't?" Hinata asked Tsukishima. "If you don't, you cannot be step on our Volleyball Club ever again... Transferring to another a school is not an option you know?" Hinata keep silence on Tsukishima's explanation.

After a while, he decided to speak up. "I... Im going to-" Hinata was interrupted when all of them received a notification from their group chat. The 4 of them was shocked when they've read what their captain message.


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