Chapter 17 // Nekoma

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Before anything else, I just want to say, HAPPY LOVE MONTH TO ALL OF YOU. As a little gift, 2-days chapter update for the whole month! I hope you're going to enjoy this whole month! Now, onto the chapter!
Hinata woke up on the bed. He check the time and it's still 3am. Kageyama is still sleeping besides him and his clothes are not removed. "Thank Goodness it's just a dream..." He try to catch his breathe and then after that he lay again to the bed and try to sleep again.

-Time Skip-

Tommorow morning in Nekoma, Kuroo is not on their practice today which is super weird especially he's the captain and he's not on the practice. "Kenma. Do you know why Kuroo is not here?" Asked by their coach. "No." Kenma simply said. "Okay. Can someone go to his place and ask him what's wrong?" No one responds. "*sigh* Anyway, let's just begin this. Kai, take the lead."

-Time Skip-

They're changing clothes now to get ready for their classes. "Hey Kenma." Approach by Yamamoto. "What?" He answered. "Do you know what happen to Kuroo-san?" Yamamoto asked. "No." "But you're friends right?" "So?" "...You should know what's happening to him..?" "But I don't. Okay?" Kenma said while shutting his locker and leave but Yamamoto followed him.

"You know, I've been idolizing Kuroo-san. I like how he play. And when he choose to be the captain, I'm really so happy for him." Yamamoto said. "...And why are you saying this?" Kenma asked. "I'm really worried about him this past few days. And I want to help him to recover." "Wow, that's great..." Kenma said in sarcastic voice and walk faster leaving Yamamoto behind.

-Time Skip-

After the afternoon practice, Yaku approach Kenma. "Kenma..." Kenma look at Yaku. "Can you accompany me to Kuroo's house?" Yaku said. "Why me?" Kenma asked. "Cuz your his friend and-*whisper* I think it's about you" Kenma just sigh and agree.

-Time Skip-

On Kuroo's house, Yaku call for Kuroo but his father is the one who show up. "Oh Kenma, what brings you here?" Asked by Kuroo's father. "Good evening Kuroo-san. Is Tetsuruo there?" Asked by Yaku. "Oh, yeah! He said he was sick so he never leaves his room." "I see... Well, we just want to ch-" "Let me talk to him." Kenma interrupt. "You sure Kenma?" Asked  by Yaku.

"Oh, okay... Come in." Kuroo-san invitation. "Can you wait for me Yaku-san?" Kenma asked which Yaku approved. Kenma immediately go upstairs on where's Kuroo's room. Old habit of them, Kenma entered the room without knocking. As he enters the room, he can't believe on what he just saw.

As Kenma opened the door, he saw a shirtless Kuroo in his boxer, he looks exhausted, and a lot of tissue paper on the floor. "What the heck Kuro?!" Shouted by Kenma. Kuroo is surprised by Kenma's appearance. He cover himself in his blanket. "I can't believe you Kuro. You just j*rking here all day while the team is worried about you." Said by Kenma then leaves the room.

"Kenma, wait!" Kuroo said while standing up and grab a shirt to wear. Kuroo grab one of Kenma's arm.  "Kenma, please. I'm sorry..." "I don't need your apologies Kuroo." Said by Kenma without facing Kuroo. "Kenma please. Can we talk?" "Fine! But do one thing." "What is it?" "Act like normal." Kuroo is confused on what Kenma said. "They're suspecting that something happened to us. And that's because you act differently." "But-" "JUST ACT NORMAL KURO!"

"But when we can talk?" "If I say so..." Then Kenma leaves him behind without facing him. "Oh Kenma! How is it?" Asked by Kuroo's father but Kenma didn't answer hence he walk straight outside of the house. "Let's go Yaku-san." He just said while still walking. "Wait! *turns to Tetsuruo's father* Sorry for him. *bow*" Kuroo's father just nod and Yaku run to Kenma.

"I can't believe him! I really can't believe him!" Grumpily said by Kenma. "Kenma, calm down..." Reassured by Yaku. "He's so obsessed with me Yaku-san! But he knows that I never loved him!" "Do you want to talk about it?" Kenma sighed and agreed on what Yaku said. "It's actually late now and my house is still far so... Can I sleepover tonight in your house?" An akward silence enter then they both laughed.

-Time Skip-

"Mom, I'm home!" "Kenma your la- Oh!" "Good evening Kozume-san." Greet by Yaku. "Oh, Morisuke-kun, right? Its been a long time since you visit. What are you doing here? It's pretty late now you know?" Said by Kenma's mother. "He's going to sleep here tonight, if that's okay?" Said by Kenma. "Of course you can. But what brings you here?"

"We went to Kuroo's house to check on him, turns out he was sick." Explained by Yaku. "Aww, I hope he get well soon. Anyway, do you eat yet?" "Actually we haven't... Hehehe *scratch his head*" "Okay then, put your things on Kenma's bedroom and I'm just going to prepare your foods." Said by her. "Okay. Thank you Kozume-san."

-Time Skip-

They've done eating and showering and then after that, Kenma starts his story.

"Kuro's family moved to our neighborhood when I was 8. He was more shyer than me. Our parents want us to get along, so we play a lot of videogames. He was amazed on how great I am. Later on, he introduced me to volleyball. I really don't like physical activities but I did it. He also amazed on how fast I learn. He also told me to become a setter, and I try to set on him, he also amazed."

"And if I'm going to tell you the whole story, he just amazed on everything I do. And then I just found out he starting to fell in love with me. He didn't said it to me directly, but the way he acts actually tells it. If you think we're together because we're just friends, then you're wrong." Yaku processing all things that Kenma said.

"So if I'm going to summarize it, he thinks you're amazing so that he fell In love with you. But why he needs to be on your side always?" "I don't know." "This is too much to process. You know what, let's just sleep." "Yeah, it's the better option." Kenma stand to turn off the lights. "Good night." "Good night Kenma."

-Same Day-

Earlier this morning on Kageyama's house, Hinata just woke up. Kageyama is not on his side anymore, which means he woke up earlier. He take a shower, and fix himself, then go downstairs to eat breakfast. When he goes downstairs, he saw Kageyama who's already eating. "Good Morning!" Greet by Hinata. "Morning." Said by Kageyama. Hinata sit in front of Kegayama. He's going to pick a food but he suddenly asked Kageyama.

"Kageyama, do you ever think to have sex with me?"

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