Chapter 22 // At Tokyo

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"Where is him?" Asked by Sugawara. "Oh, him... He's actually-" Yaku was trying to explain when the person they want to see arrived. "Sorry Yaku-san, I was just-" Kenma was trying to explain when he frozed up when he saw Shoyo who also froze in his position. "Ke- Kenma..?" Shoyo calling his name while walking slowly towards him. "Shoyo!!!" Kenma said while running towards Shoyo and hugged him.

They both start crying and still hugged each other very tight like they don't want to separate. Suga and Yaku is just staring at them."You... You made this for us?" Asked by Kenma which both Yaku and Suga just smiled of. "Th- Thank you... Suga-san! Yaku-san!" Said by Hinata then both of him and Kenma hugged the 2 of them and they just form a group hug. Later on, they start ordering food and have a conversation.

H: "But, why did you do this?"

S: "Didn't I told you before, I respect your relationship, and I don't want to some stupid rules breaks it."

H: "But there's must be a reason... Right?"

Y: "Because we want you to have a proper conversation. You didn't talk for a while now didn't you? Also, this is the first time you've met outside volleyball, right? You are in a long distance relationship and same-sex relationship, which is very rare."

S: "And we also knew that you face different problems. You need to talk about it. And most importantly, your relationship."

*Kenna and Shoyo look at each other*

Y: "Look, we don't want to pressure you. But this is a very serious problem. Okay?"

*Kenma and Shoyo just nod*

Y: "But before you do all of that, let's eat first! Okay?

All: "Itadakimasu!"

-Time Skip-

After they eat, Yaku explain their plan. "So here's the plan, Me and Koushi is going to look around. Then you two go on a date." Kenna and Shoyo was shocked on what they heard. "This is going to be your first date!" Excitedly said by Suga. "Yeah, our first date..." Said by Shoyo while looking at Kenma. "... Together." Said by Kenma finishing Shoyo's sentence while looking back at Shoyo and they've start holding hands.

"Do whatever you like, but remember, you need to talk on what we said earlier." Said by Sugawara. "Okay!" They said in unison. "Time check, it's 12:03. We need to meet each other again at 5. Is that clear?" "Yes!" They said again in unison. "Okay. Have fun!" Then the 4 of them separate. "So what's do you want to do first?" Asked by Kenma. "I don't know... Maybe we watch movie?" Shoyo's answer. "Okay." Just said by Kenma and they go to the cinema.

-Time Skip-

After they've watched movie for Shoyo, and play in the arcade for Kenma, they now decide to talk their problem to each other. So they seat on one of the bench while eating ice cream then the both of them state their problem. In the two of them, Hinata suffer the most and Kenma is somehow feel guilty about it same on Shoyo that also feel guilty about Kenma's problem.

"I- I didn't know you've suffer like that. I'm really sorry about that..." Apologize by Kenma. "No, don't apologize. I didn't even know something like this would happen, but I'm okay now." Reassure by Shoyo. "But how about you and Kuroo-san?" Shoyo asked. "I heard that... He also likes you..." Shoyo's follow up. "Ever since the day I said about our relationship, he's been distancing himself from me like I rejected him. But he knew from that start that I didn't love him." Explained by Kenma.

Both of them just become silent for a while when Shoyo speak up. "I miss them..." He said. "I miss my family. I miss my team. And the only thing I need to get those 2 is to break up with you..." Then Shoyo cried. Kenma grab Shoyo close to his chest to cry on. "I don't know what to do Shoyo. I really don't know. I also messed up my friendship to Kuroo just because of this..." Kenma said.

Shoyo try to look at Kenma. "Do you think... We need to break up..?" Scaringly asked by Shoyo. "If it's just for me, I won't. But I don't want to see you suffer anymore... Even though I hate it... I think that's the best thing for the both of us." Said by Kenma that who also starts crying. They hugged each other for a while until they stop crying.

Soon after Shoyo decided to speak. "It might be sound stupid, but Kageyama said 'Why not wait until you graduate? No can stop you anymore.' It's just so funny." Kenma's eyes widened on what he heard and stand up. "That's it!!" He shouted which Shoyo give him a confuse look. "That idea! It may sound stupid but that's the greatest plan. After you graduate, no one can stop you anymore!" Kenma said.

"But, how about my mother? I'm sure she's going to reject me again to the house?" Shoyo worriedly said. "You're at the right age at that time... You can found a house. Or you can even stay to our house. And then we just need to convince your mother." Kenma explained. "I think that's great plan Kenma! All we need is just to wait me to graduate, and we're coming back at each other." Hinata said then suddenly hug Kenma. "I love you Kenma..." "I love you too Shoyo..."

-Time Skip-

"So how's your first date?" Asked by Yaku. "It's great! Super great!" They said. "So, what did you talk about?" Asked by Sugawara. The 2 is just going to answer but Sugawara speak again. "Don't worry. You don't need to said it to us. Whatever your plan is we're out of that okay?" "So... I think we should call it a day. See you soon!!" Said by Yaku. "See ya!!" Said by Suga. Kenna and Shoyo hugged again for the one last time. "Wait for me Kenma." "I'm waiting now, Shoyo." Then both of them kiss. Both of them parted their ways now. Shoyo and Suga is going back to Suga's aunt apartment while Yaku and Kenma is going straight home. Suddenly, Suga asked a question.

"So, what are you going to do now?"


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