Random #1.2-Headcannons UwU

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When you have no motivation to write---HEADCANNONS BITCHES(No guys I love you I don't mean this in a hate way <3)

•Kay is officially Pansexual in my book, take it or leave it.

•Selly has low immune system, that is why Genie is the one assigned to handle overtime, though Selly loves to teach her new stuff.

•Once Alf is in a relationship, oh boy, he'll treat you like royalty, no joke.

•Duck loves baking, however, he always forgot to put sugar.

•Maxie is mature for certain issues, but not always.

•Kay has experienced traumas, that is why his friends always tries to do not trigger it.

•Whatever you think about Kay and Alf's relation, whether friends, best friends, rivals or lovers, you cannot deny on how mature and caring they are on each other.

•Gun noises everywhere ever since Alf thought the whole squad how to use it, he needs extra money for therapy, help him.

•If you ship Maxie and Genie, who do you think tops once Maxie knows enough? I am still clueless.

•Kay dances like pro, I think he always handle the performances when there is events.

•Selly games all night when she has nothing to do, she is still crying for Nagito when she is on Case 5.

•Kay, Genie and Selly have a fansquad specifically for ships.

•Out of the young squads, only Alf and Duke have a driving licence. Kay is yet the third oldest, but sadly, he crashed the car.

•Duck loves to steal candies, Kay knows and lies for Duck's safety. #ForeverBesties

•Duck is Asexual, take it or...burn it. He's not Aromantic, you still have chance :)

•Kay knows some not so clean dances, but keeps minimum, after all, he has sense of maturity.

•Alf's demisexual, fight me.

•If you put Kay and Alf alone in a candy store, please don't ask Alf to buy you something right after, he cannot handle Kay's candy addiction.

•Duke is that one guy in Among us that cusses non stop when Selly got killed.

•Alf and Maxie are the greatest impostors,while Kay and Duck are the best crewmates.

•Minecraft time! Selly and Genie beat it once, Alf and Maxie are halfway on beating it first time, Duke rather play Creative and be peaceful, Duck and Kay are speedrunning it.

•If you make Kay play Resident Evil(Of any kind), he'll cry a lot and scream a lot. But not Silent Hill, he knows it well already.

•Alf HATES playing Getting Over It, he almost destroyed the computer itself when he fell all the way to the start.

•Duck is in love with Futaba in Persona 5, Maxie is to.

•Kay is the Ultimate Fanboy when he hears Danganronpa, Nagito and Kokichi are his top tiers.

•There is one time where Kay flirts with Alf, but it did not go well. Why? Alf isn't in the mood for it, he is truly tired.

•Kay HATES when people tries to flirt with him, unless you are part of the squad.

•Maxie is the main when it goes to stretching, Alf is the main when we go to carrying.

•Kay once said to a woman to fuck off when he saw them bullying Maxie.

•No one knows, but Genie almost killed that woman.

•Play a song and its vibin', Kay would most likely dance without warning.

•Alf does not act too romantically when he was getting teased, however, it changed and turned 180°.

•Everyone thinks it's hot when it is around 39° outside, not Kay though, he's used to it.

•Duck and Kay are honestly pretty strong as well, when they went trio sparring, Alf finds it difficult to handle both.

•Genie is ADDICTED to coffee. That's it.

•Selly and Duke's third date did not go well, all because of Kay messing up the set up.

•Duke WOULD have beaten up Kay if not for Alf who is ready to beat him in case.

•Alf is Kay's personal technician. That is not a headcanon that is on the wiki. However, Alf is basically EVERYONE'S technician.

•Oldest is Duke, youngest is Maxie.

•Kay loves to wear anyone's clothes, it look good for him, ALL THE TIME.


•As Kay's best friends, Alf and Duck always tries to help out Kay's minor traumas.

•Alf and Kay don't mind calling each other couple nicknames, that even intestifies when they actually became a couple. Duck needs help for too much lovey dovey of these two.

•If you bring up Kay's failures as a leader, he'll self pity himself over and over again. I suggest you run, someone with a lasso is up to haunt you.

•Like Selly, Genie has a non stop gattling gun noises when she stay all night long doing work, Maxie most likely.

•Kay has opened up a lot to Alf, and by a lot I mean a LOT. Reason due to the fact Alf is mature enough to help him handle things.

•But when it comes to Duck, he and Kay are more fun buddies. Basically Kay's most fun time is with Duck, but when he needs to be real with himself, he always turn to Alf.

•You cannot ask Kay who's best main friend, he always love those two.

•Sometimes, people mistook Alf as the speedster's bodyguard, since he is always the one guarding him.

•I swear one time Duck is gonna lose it when Kay is oblivious that Alf likes him back.

•If you think Selly is mature as a woman, well think again. Selly is like Kay's prankster buddy, Duke isn't surprised when he found out.

•If Alf gets mad, you know everyone is hiding on the table.

•Kay loves to tease Alf, but since Alf learned to flirt back, dang things went 360 real quick.

•All of them can cook, but not all can cook without someone's guidance.

•They actually held a picnic once, did not work. Kay's aquaphobia went uphill when he realized they have to cross the sea for the spot.

•Self hate or self pity is a no no, especially when Kay does it. All of them would literally do anything for him to be happy.

•If they are all tired, all of them cuddle.

-That's all!!! I wish for all of you for a happy new year 😘-

-BTW, I just wanna say I love you who is reading this! Mica Chan out!!-

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