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Mal was sneaking through Auradon Prep keeping an eye out for Evie, to make sure she didn't run into her. People were staring at her weirdly because she had a big lump under her sweatshirt.
"Hey Mal!" She heard Jay say from behind her.

Mal froze in her place at the sound of his voice. "Uhh, hi." She replied not turning around.

"What's going on?" Jay asked trying to look at Mal's face but she kept turning away from him.

"Nothing!" She yelled out quickly right before Jay grabbed her shoulder and turned her around. His eyes widened when he saw her obviously holding something under her sweatshirt.

"Oh you are definitely up to something! Tell me what, I want in on it!" Jay said.

Mal rolled her eyes. "Fine, but you can't tell anyone." She told him before she showed him what was under her sweatshirt, which was the cutest Labrador retriever ever.

" She told him before she showed him what was under her sweatshirt, which was the cutest Labrador retriever ever

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"Aww, that is the cutest little guy I have ever seen. Does Evie know?" Jay asked as Mal hid him in back under her sweatshirt.

"Why do you think I'm hiding him under here." Mal answered as he barked. "Ssh! Be quiet Fireball someone's gonna hear you!"

"Fireball? You named him, Fireball?" Jay asked.

"Yep! Now I need to get back to my dorm and hide him before Evie gets back." Mal said.

"Where is Evie?"

"In the library studying for a history test. But that was an hour ago so who knows how long until she's done!" Mal replied before going to her dorm. She opened the door peeking her head inside to make sure Evie wasn't in there. She wasn't, so Mal entered the room and got Fireball from under her sweatshirt and set him on the floor.

Mal then put him in the closet. "Evie will never find you in here." Mal told the puppy.

"Mal?" She heard Evie call from outside in the dorm.

Mal immediately ran out of the closet slamming the door closed behind her. "Hey E! You're back! How are you? Did you study well? Good! Want me to take your jacket for you?!" She said really fast practically ripping Evie's jacket off of her and running into the closet to put it in there.

Evie was staring at Mal weirdly. "Ok, what of mine did you break?" She asked her.

"Nothing! Nothing! Why would you even think that?" Mal asked.

"You are acting very strange. And if I was being honest, it's kinda freaking me out." Evie replied going over to her bed to sit down. "Oh wait a minute! You're trying to prank me again, aren't you?"

"No, Evie I can honestly say that I'm not!" Mal told her.

Evie narrowed her eyes at her making Mal start sweating and not be able to make eye contact. Yep! Mal was definitely up to something. "Ok, seriously what is up with you?"

"Like I said, nothing!" Mal said.

"I know that's a lie. Ok fine! Don't tell me, but I will eventually figure out what you're up to." Evie said going over to work on some more designs.

Mal let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding as she went over to her own bed and started looking through her phone. For the next few days, Mal had been acting really strange. And Evie still couldn't figure out what she was up to. She saw Mal come into the dorm with her hands in her pockets that looked very full.

Mal entered the closet again and closed the door behind her. Mal had been going into that closet a lot lately. But why? Mal was weird. But she was never this weird. What on earth was she even doing all the time. She was about to go into that closet and figure out for herself what Mal was doing. But before she could, Mal opened it and closed it real fast.

"Evie! What were you doing?" She asked.

Evie crossed her arms at her. "I know you are up to something. I don't know what yet, but I am going to figure it out. Unless, you want to tell me the truth."

"I don't have anything to tell you."

Evie rolled her eyes at her as she went back over to her bed where she had been doing her homework. Mal just watched her do so as she sighed. She had come very close to being caught. And for more days after that, Evie continued to get more and more suspicious of Mal. She knew for a fact Mal was hiding something from her, she just didn't know what. And it was killing her!

After another school day, she came back to the dorm. She was about to call out for Mal, but she stopped herself when she heard her talking in the closet. Evie put her ear to the door to see if she could hear what Mal was saying.

"There you go! Eat up boy! You're such a good boy did you know that?! You are so cute! Yes, you are! Yes, you are!" She heard Mal say.

What on earth was she talking to? And what about? She knocked on the door waiting for Mal to open it. "Mal, what is going on in there? Who are you talking to?" She asked.

Mal opened the door and closed the door but leaving it open a crack. "Evie! You're back! I thought you had some more studying to do!" Mal said.

"No, I just had to work on some more orders." Evie told her. "But Mal, I have spent all week watching you act really strange, even for you. And I am tired of not knowing what you're up to. So tell me now. What are you hiding?!"

Mal sighed. "Fine. I'll tell you." Mal said giving in and finally telling Evie the truth. "So earlier this week, I went for a walk around Auradon City. And I heard this small whimper come from an alley, so I went into the alley, and found the cutest Labrador retriever puppy. And I couldn't leave him there, so I brought him back to Auradon Prep, and have kept him in this closet. So I'll go ahead and introduce you to Fireball."

Evie was speechless. So that's what Mal had been hiding? A puppy? She followed Mal into the closet, only to see no puppies anywhere. "Mal, did Jay give you more Mountain Dew? You know what that stuff does to you!"

"What? No! I really do have a puppy. Fireball, where are you?!" Mal started calling out.

Evie turned around only to see a puppy on her work desk standing on the dress she had been working on. And then he peed on that dress. "NO!" She screamed running over to the puppy.

Mal's eyes widened as she watched Fireball do his business right on Evie's dress. "Fireball, no!" She said picking him up and holding him in her arms.

"Look what he did?! My dress! It's ruined! What am I going to tell Audrey?! This dress was for her!" Evie yelled. "And you! You hid a puppy from me in this very dorm. Why did I not see it sooner?!"

"I'm sorry. But look at this face! You can't stay mad at him!" Mal said holding up Fireball to Evie's face as he licked Evie's nose. "Can he stay with us? Please!"

Evie wanted to say no so badly. But as she looked into Fireball's cute little eyes she couldn't deny that he was just so cute! "Ok! He can stay! But Fireball must know that there is to be no peeing on any more of my designs."

Mal squealed as she grabbed Evie by her neck and hugged her as tight as she could! "I love you, E! You're the best!"

Evie laughed and before she knew it, both she and Mal were on the floor playing with Fireball. That puppy really was adorable, which could only mean two things. One: They were going to love having him around. Two: He was going to get into a lot of trouble.

A/N: So? How was this? I would like to shout out my cousin/bff Chloebalboe for helping me come up with this idea. It was so much fun! And I hope you all enjoyed it! Please let me know what you thought and leave a request for another one shot if you have any. Merry Christmas everybody! Until the next chapter!!!

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