The Space Between

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"I'm not coming back, Evie." Mal told her best friend as she pulled away from her and looked down sadly at the ground. "I really tried to tell you. But I mean,...I saw the way your face lit up when we walked into those dorm rooms for the first time....And I couldn't spoil that for you." All Mal wanted was for Evie to be happy, and she knew that Evie could never be truly happy on the isle. Even if she was with Mal. 

"If you're staying then I'm staying too." Evie stated confidently.

"No, Evie. I could never do that to you." Mal said. "Evie, we both know you could never be happy here."

"Mal, I lived here for sixteen years. The isle, it's my home too. And I'll live here for sixteen more years if that's what it takes. As long as I'm with you, I know I'll be fine." Evie said as tears slowly ran down Mal's cheeks.

"But Evie, what about Henry? And all of our other friends back in Auradon?" Mal asked.

"You mean more to me, M. I love you. You're my best friend." Evie told her as she stepped closer to Mal and wiped the tears off her cheeks. "And whether you like it or not, I'm staying. I refuse to leave you behind."

Mal knew there was no arguing with Evie. The only way she could get Evie to go back to Auradon, was for her to go back to Auradon. And she wasn't about to do that. The isle was her home. It was where she belonged. Sure, Auradon was nice while it lasted. But it just wasn't meant to last forever. At least, for her, it wasn't.

She offered Evie a small smile as she picked up a rock and threw it at the sign that opened up the gate, then she and Evie both walked up the staircase that led to their secret hideout together. Mal set her bag back down on her bed. In just a few hours, they would have to rescue Ben from Uma and her pirate crew. But while they waited for the boys to come back with the fake wand, Mal and Evie just enjoyed a few quiet moments to themselves for just a little while.

"M, will you ever change your mind?" Evie asked sitting down on the old, ratty couch, as she looked into Mal's green eyes that she could see, right from where she was seated, were filled with pain and sadness. Sadness that she had, so blindly, ignored. How did she never see it?

"I'm positive, Evie." Mal confirmed to her as Evie gave her a sympathetic, yet compassionate smile, that told her everything was going to alright.


(Time skip to three weeks after Ben was rescued, and everyone except for Mal and Evie, went back to Auradon)

Mal had just come back from stealing a few supplies that Evie needed to make more outfits for them to blend in more. Mal found it to be difficult, as she had never really had to do it before, it had always been Jay's thing to go out and steal for them. She had never realized how difficult it was. And she admired Jay for it.

"Did you get what I need?" Evie asked from her place at the small table as she heard Mal come up the stairs.

"Everything that I could." Mal replied as she placed the bag that had Evie's supplies in it, on the table in front of her.

"Thanks M!" Mal nodded once at her as she went over to a window that overlooked the isle, and Auradon. And Evie looked up at her and saw the expression on her face that told her everything she needed to know. "Are you ready to go home?"

Mal quickly turned around to face Evie. "No! I am home. I don't belong in Auradon."

Evie didn't know what to say to her. She knew Mal was going through a hard time. Struggling to find where it was that she truly belonged. And Evie knew that she couldn't give Mal the answer she truly desired. Only Mal could answer it. But she knew that she would be there for her whatever she decided. Even if it meant living on the isle. She would always be there for her. No matter what.

"Mal, you know, even if you don't want to hear it, you'll always be a part of Auradon." She said.

"But I'll also always be a part of the isle. These are my roots, Evie. I can't escape it."

"I know that, Mal. But you know, you'll always belong in my heart." Evie said as she pulled Mal in for a hug that made neither one of them want to let go.

Mal knew that Evie was right. Evie was almost always right. She knew that maybe one day she would go back to Auradon. But for that time, she stayed on the isle of the lost.

A/N: I know that I've had multiple requests, but I watched Space Between for the bazillionth time. And I just had a thought, what if Evie had stayed on the isle with Mal. And me, being the person I am, decided to go ahead and write it anyway. So I hope you all enjoyed it, and please let me know what you thought. Until the next chapter!!!

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