Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?

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Mal and Evie were asleep in their dorm on a Tuesday morning. They were enjoying Christmas break by sleeping in. And when Mal eventually woke up, she sat up and stretched herself. She rubbed her eyes as they adjusted to the light. She got up as she stood up from the bed but quickly sat back down as she felt the cold floor.

Mal quickly put on her dragon slippers before going into the bathroom to change. And when she was finished, she went over to the window seat to sketch like she always did every morning. And when Mal opened the curtains her eyes widened seeing a thick blanket of the whitest snow covered the ground. The biggest smile appeared on her face as she then ran over to a still sleeping, Evie as she practically jumped on her, shaking her awake.

"Evie! Evie, wake up! You gotta see this!" She yelled.

Evie groaned as she rolled over continuing to sleep. "Get off me, Mal." She mumbled into her fuzzy blanket that was pulled up to her face.

"But Evie! Look! It snowed!" She said.

Evie slowly rolled back over as she looked out the window before she quickly shot up, running over to the window. "Oh my gosh! It did! It actually snowed! The first snow of the season!" Evie yelled as she quickly went to changed.

Mal put her face against the window watching the snow fall. "Wow!" She whispered in awe.

Snow was so magical to Mal. And she should know, she was constantly surrounded by magic. Hello?! She has magic! But she absolutely loved it.

Mal heard the bathroom door burst open as Evie came out running as she was putting on her coat and gloves. "What are you waiting for, Mal?! Get your coat on! Let's go make a snowman!"

Mal smiled as she quickly went to go put on her coat. And just as she opened the door about to leave the dorm, Evie grabbed her by the back of her coat, pulling her back in the dorm.

"What are you doing?!" Mal asked.

"Mal, if it's snowing outside, it's obviously freezing out there, you need more than just your coat." Evie told her before grabbing a scarf and wrapping it around Mal's neck. And she grabbed a hat and put it on Mal's head, then she gave Mal a pair of earmuffs. "There! You're all set!"

"Evieee!" Mal whined. "I feel like a marshmallow inside of marshmallow!"

"Well, start feeling like a roasted marshmallow!" Evie replied. "I'm not gonna be responsible for you freezing to death out there."

"But I'm part dragon, I have extra body heat to help keep me warm!"

"Yeah, and that so helped you back at the Christmas tree farm!" Evie said putting her hands on her hips.

Mal knew she couldn't argue with her. "Let's just go!"

Evie followed Mal out of the dorm as they went outside to go build a snowman. They started packing snow together and rolling it into large balls. And so far, it was looking great! And once they made three of them, Evie sent Mal to get some sticks, and small little stones for the snowman, while she went inside to get a scarf and hat.

And after Evie had gotten those things, she found Mal putting the stones on their snowman. "Wow! It looks great so far, M!" She told her.

Mal sent her a quick smile, keeping her focus on the snowman. And after Mal was done, Evie put on the hat and the scarf, and then their snowman was finished. Evie put her arm around Mal's shoulders as she rested her head against hers.

"It looks awesome, Evie!" Mal said.

"It sure does, Mal! I'm proud of us!" Evie said continuing to look at their snowman.

"It sure does, Mal! I'm proud of us!" Evie said continuing to look at their snowman

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She squeezed Mal into her side, before the cold began to get to her. "Ok, let's go inside now, M. It's getting cold out here."

Mal nodded, and so they headed back inside the school together, getting some more hot coco to warm themselves up before just snuggling together under a blanket beside the fireplace, enjoying some more time together.

A/N: I know, this was really short. But it was all that I could come up with. I'm planning to write one more Christmas one shot before Christmas and then that will be the last one before I get back to writing normal ones. So if any of you have any ideas for one last Christmas one shot, please let me know. And also let me know what you thought of this. Until the next chapter!!!

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