Halloween Prank

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It was that time of year. Halloween. Spiderwebs, skeletons, bats, and pumpkins decorated the hallways and classrooms of Auradon Prep. Personally, it was the vk's favorite day of the year. Of course, Auradon did things a little differently with the holiday then they did back on the isle, but if they were honest with themselves, Auradon did it better. Back on the isle, it was just tricks. No treats.

Mal and Evie were decorating their dorm, it was Mal's idea, she wanted it to look spooky whenever she, Evie, or anyone else walked inside. As Mal was hanging another spider from the ceiling, she noticed that Evie had stopped putting spiderwebs on the corners of the wall. In fact, Evie wasn't even in the dorm anymore.

"Evie? Evie, where'd you go!" She called out into the dorm.

Mal made sure that the spider was going to stay in place before going over to her and Evie's closet. She opened the door when Evie dressed in a werewolf costume jumped out at her.

"Boo!" She yelled trying to scare Mal, who didn't even flinch, she just crossed her arms at her, unimpressed.

"Seriously? E, you're gonna have to do a lot better than that to scare me." Mal told her. "I never get scared."

Evie took off her werewolf head and gave Mal a certain look. "You never get scared? Puh-lease! That is the biggest lie I've ever heard come from your mouth." Evie said bringing a hand to rest on her hip.

Mal just rolled her eyes. "Evie, Halloween is all about spookiness, it's not scary."

"Well, you still might want to be careful. Frankenstein might get ya!" Evie joked.

Mal tried to hold back a laugh but failed. "E, you can try and try to scare me all you want, but there is no way that you could possibly scare me."

"Oh I will do more than just try. I will succeed, and when I do, you will be crying like a baby, and pee your pants. So, if I were you, I would sleep with one eye open tonight. Wah ha ha!" Evie said shining a flashlight below her face and doing an evil laugh before exiting the dorm.

Mal shook her head as she laughed, Evie was such a nut. But she still loved her anyway.


Later that day, Mal had just finished with the decorating, and she stepped down from the ladder as she admired her work. It was awesome. That's when she heard her door open, so turned her head around to see Evie, Jay, and Carlos had come in to the dorm.

"Wow it looks spooky in here. It's cool!" Jay said looking around the dorm.

Mal just smiled as she was very proud of herself. "Thanks! So what are you all doing here?" She asked them.

"We're all going to a haunted house and we're bringing you with us." Carlos told her.

"Guys, haunted houses are lame. They think they're so scary but the decor is awful, and the jump scares, pfft! You can see them coming a mile away. So, I don't think I want to waste my time." Mal said.

"Trust me, Mal, you want to come to this one. And plus all our friends are going, it'll be fun. And who knows, we might have an encounter with the famous, Dracula!" Evie said making Mal snort.

"Evie, for the last time, none of that is gonna happen. Like, ever!" Mal informed her.

"Come on, Mal! It won't be as much fun without you. You'd be the only one not going." Jay said.

"You know what? Fine. I'll go. But it's gonna be lame." Mal agreed before grabbing her jacket and leaving the dorm with her friends.

Evie drove the four of them in Clarabelle to the haunted house to meet the rest of their friends. And once they parked, they saw all their friends waiting for them outside.

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