A Night at the Fair

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"Evie, come on, we have to go!" Mal said as she tried to convince Evie to go to the fair that had come to Auradon. Evie wasn't against going, she just had a bunch of sewing to catch up on, with homework on top of that.

"Mal, I told you, I can't today, can we go tomorrow?" Evie asked.

"The fair leaves tomorrow, tonight is the last night. So please! Everyone is going except you, and we both know I can't go without you." Mal said sticking out her lip, and bringing out her puppy eyes that she knew Evie couldn't resist.

Evie tried to stay strong, but that face, was her weakness.
'Come on, Evie, come on, you can do it. Just look away.' She tried telling herself in her mind. So that's what Evie did, turned her head away. But Mal just went wherever Evie turned her head. And when Mal sniffed, that was it for Evie.

"Ok fine! You win. We can go to the fair." Evie said. Mal jumped up and screamed for joy.

"Yes! Come on, Evie let's go!" Mal yelled as she grabbed Evie's arm and started pulling her towards the door.

"Whoa Mal, slow down. I don't even have shoes on." Evie told her. So Mal let go of her and let her fix her hair, get her shoes on, before they ran out of the dorm and met all of their friends outside of the school, where Henry had a limo.

They all piled themselves in there. By they, I mean, Jay, Carlos, Lonnie, Jane, Audrey, Uma, Harry, Gil, and Henry. Yes, a pretty large group. It took them about ten minutes into the drive to be able to see some of the taller rides, with all of the lights and everything. They were all officially excited, as soon as the limo was parked they were all quick to get out of it and run into the fair. They all split up into groups basically.

Jay, Carlos, and Henry were together. Audrey, Jane, and Lonnie were together. And so was Uma, Harry, and Gil. Which left, Mal and Evie.

"So M, what do you wanna do?" Evie asked.

Mal looked around at all the different rides and games, before her eyes fell on the biggest ride there, The Leviathon, which was the biggest rollercoaster. Mal knew for sure that, that was what she wanted to do. So Mal pointed at it after getting Evie's attention.

Evie's mouth hung open as she saw what Mal was pointing to. "Are you sure you want to do that?" Mal nodded, she was positive about it.

And once they were standing in line, Evie began freaking out, as she saw all the loops, how fast it went, and the fact that it even went upside-down on some parts. But she could see that Mal really wanted to do it. And if she chickened out she would disappoint her best friend, and she couldn't do that to her so she had no choice but to go along with it.

And before she knew it, they were getting on the ride, and Evie saw that Mal got on the front cart and was motioning for Evie to get in the seat beside hers. She gulped before going over to Mal and buckled herself in.

"I sure hope this isn't how I die." Evie said.

"Oh relax, E. You're not gonna die, I wouldn't let that happen to you." Mal assured her.

Evie smiled at her as she took her hand. "Excuse me!" She called out to one of the workers who was making sure that everyone in the ride was buckled in. "How many people have died riding this?"

"Oh, only about a hundred." The worker replied as Evie's eyes widened in horror. "I'm kidding. No one has died. You'll be fine, trust me."

Evie just put her back against the seat as she tried to stay calm. "M, hold my hand." She said before she felt Mal slip her hand into her, rather sweaty, one before the ride began moving.

It started off nice and kind of slow, but as it went towards the drop Evie squeezed Mal's hand as tight as she possibly could.

"E, do you think you could ease your grip a little?" Mal asked.

Evie just screamed bloody murder as they went down at lightening speed and began going into the loops, upside down, and all the other crazy stuff without slowing down. And just when they thought the ride was over, and was coming to a stop, it kept going. And Evie started screaming that she wanted off. Mal was also screaming, but for a completely different reason, for it to go faster.

But when it went on the loops again, Mal's stomach started feeling really weird, and Evie noticed that she was looking really pale.

"Oh no, Mal, no!" She said before Mal's dinner came back up, and fell on the cart flooring. "Nevermind."

And finally, the ride came to a stop, and the workers had to clean up all of Mal's puke. And as they left the ride, Evie looked over at Mal, who still didn't look too good.

"Mal, are you ok? You still look pretty pale." She said.

"I feel fine, it's just-" Mal didn't get to finish her sentence before she puked once more in the nearest trash can.

"That's it. No more rollercoasters." Evie told her.

"Way to go Mal! Blowing chunks I see." Uma said as she, Harry, and Gil walked passed them and laughed at her.

Evie and Mal just chose to ignore her. "So now what should we do?" Mal asked.

Now it was Evie's turn to look around and try to find something for them to do, and Evie spotted the bumper cars, she liked the idea of them doing that, and so did Mal. So that's where they went. And thankfully the line wasn't too long, so they were able to get right on. They got in separate cars on opposite sides from each other. And when the horn blasted it was on!

Mal and Evie went straight for each other, and they ended up hitting the other at the same time. It kept going back and forth for them, Mal would hit Evie, Evie would hit Mal. But in the end, Evie was the one who hit Mal the most. And Mal wasn't too happy about that. If it was someone else she would be more upset, but since it was Evie, she didn't mind. After that, they both agreed to go and play some of the games.

First, they played a game where you had to shoot water into a clowns mouth to fill a balloon and pop it, and Evie won that, winning the large prize. Next, they played skeeball, Mal brought her A-game for that, but Evie still managed to beat her and win another large prize. They kept playing more and more games, and they finished with ring toss. Mal was determined to show no mercy, but once again, Evie had whooped her butt, and beaten her, AGAIN!

By the time they were done, Evie had won pretty much all the large prizes, she had a huge garbage bag to carry them all in, and they met up with the rest of the group.

"Hey, before we leave, we're gonna ride the Ferris wheel." Henry told everybody.

"What's a Ferris wheel?" Mal asked him.

"It's that huge wheel over there." Henry told her as he pointed to the big wheel with all of the lights.

Mal thought it looked rather cool, so she decided to go on it. She and Evie got in a little cart together. And as it went up, They both just admired the view.

"Wow, you can see everything from up here." Mal said.

"Yeah, it's beautiful!" Evie agreed looking out below them. "You know, Mal? I'm glad you convinced me to come. This was so much fun. And the best part is, I got to do it all with you."

Mal smiled as she snuggled herself into Evie's side as they enjoyed the rest of the ride with her best friend. "I'm glad you decided to come, too! This wouldn't have been nearly as much fun without you. I love you, E!"

Evie smiled as she hugged Mal a little tighter. "I love you too, M!"

It truly was a spectacular night at the fair, for two best friends. And neither of them could wait for the next fair.

A/N: Well? What did you all think? Shout out to SimWoman2002 who gave me this idea, I loved writing it and I hope you enjoyed this! So please let me know what your favorite part was. And let me know if any of you have any requests for another one shot! Until the next chapter!!!

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