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8 moths ago, I recovered from a huge trauma, everything was awful, but lucky me. I had people who helped me get through it all.
Everything is in the past now.
I walk over the streets, holding his hand. Looking up to the stars, talking about the future.
- So... Yale huh ? I told you- I whisper.
- Oh shut up... we'll only be an hour away-
I look at him, with a smile on my face. Watching him grow, and follow his dreams, makes me the happiest girl in the world.
- Come on, race ?- he smirks.
- Oh, it is on- I laugh.
- Ready?... GO!-
we both start running on the silent road. I look at him, and he smiles. This moments, this moments are so precious.
I pass him through.
- You're so slow- I laugh.
He stops running, and starts walking, trying to recover his breath.
- Watch out, there's a car coming- I whisper.
He keeps walking.
The car is far away, so we have nothing to worry about.
- You know...- he says while I look up to the sky. - Everything that we've ac...- a smash puts me back from my trance.
I look down, and I see harry laying on the floor, bleeding. I see the car on the side of the road, and I see the man coming.
* play take me home by chord overstreet *
- I'm really sorry, he came out of nowhere- the man panics.
- No no no... -I run towards Harry – Hey, baby... can you hear me ?- I cry. - Call an ambulance !- I scream.
The man makes the phone call.
- They'll be here on five-
- Harry, hey...- I see his eyes opened. - I'm gonna need you to stay awake, do you hear me ?-
- I... love you- he whispers.
- I love you too Harry, stay awake, okay ?- I cry while I watch him closing his eyes.
The ambulance arrives. They place him inside, and I get in as well.
My vision is blurry, everything around me starts spinning around. I can't think clearly.
- Come on! 1... 2... Out!- I watch them. Trying to make him come back.
I can't digest what's going on.
- 1...2... Out !- I hear again. - It's not working !- he screams.
He keeps trying.
I hold Harry's hand, waiting for him to wake up.
- Time of death, 10:34 pm- he says.
My heart goes smaller. My tears start falling down again. And the pain on my chest grows more and more.
- I didn't say goodbye- I cry. - I didn't get the chance to say goodbye !- I scram.
- Mam, I'm gonna need you to sit down, and take deep breaths, okay ?-
I do as he says.
- Is there anyone we can call ?-
- His mum... she's- I cry harder.
Once we're in the hospital, I meet our families there.
I run towards Anna's arms, and I cry on her shoulders.
- I couldn't do anything, I'm so sorry!- I cry.
- It's okay honey, he's resting now- she cries too.
We walk into the room, where they have his corps.
- Oh my god- her mom whispers. - My beautiful boy- she cries.
Everyone is crying. This was unreal. It was painful. It just couldn't be happening.
We left the room. And we headed back home.

- We gathered here today, to remember, and honor the life, of Harry Scott- the pastor says.
The ceremony starts. And his family speaks, one by one.
Very emotional, heartbreaking.
- Now, we'd like to offer the chance to speak, to his beloved girlfriend, Alex-
I stand up, and I walk towards the mic.
* play Skinny love by Birdy*
- Hello everyone... My name is Alex, and I'm Ha... was Harry's girlfriend- I begin to say. - I was his partner in crime... I remember the day I met him like it was yesterday. His smile was pure, and so was his heart. He was always there for me when I needed a friend, a shoulder to cry- I look up, holding back my tears. My voice is shaky. - God, he saved my life! Several times... you know when people say that you meet your soulmate for a reason, that he has a purpose... well, I think he was my guardian angel. He came here to protect me, to make me smile, to teach me how to love, and to grow... to make me happy... so now that he succeeded, he flew back home, where I know he's looking down, to all of us, and he's smiling, because he knows that we'll always remember him- I let tears fall down. - He would want us to stay strong, and to fight for our happiness, he would want us to remember the happy times, the memories we shared, and he would want us to celebrate him... because that's the power of love, and that's all he wished for. He always told me that when he died, he wanted to see people celebrating the fact that he got to live such a wonderful life, and he would want us to treat people with kindness, with love, just like he would do it, because if there's something that he cannot handle, is not loving- I finish.
I walk back to my seat.
I see the guys closing the coven. And they start carrying it outside, preparing it to be burried.
* play a thousand years by Christina Perri *
we all hold hands. Watching them burry the coven to the ground.
- And now, we say our last goodbye-
I walk closer to the hole.
- Hello baby...- I whisper. - We're all gonna miss you so much, you know. You were supposed to stay, but you didn't... you always told me to fight hard to stay, but when you had to, you didn't... but it's okay baby, I forgive you, you can rest in peace now, okay ?- I cry. - I love you, and I will love you for ever Harry, I will miss the future we so much wished for, but never got the chance to have... I will miss you every single day of my life... But I want you to know, that I'm here because of you, and I owe you so much... so I'm not gonna sit and let myself fall into a deep end, because I know you wouldn't want me to hurt, you would want me to go out, to visit places that reminded me of you...- I cry. - Now, everything reminds me of you, but it feels good Harry, because I love you, and I'd love you for a thousand years...- I cry, and I join the rest of the family.
We all walk away, without looking back.
I know he's in a better place, I can feel it. And I hope he found the happiness that he always was unable to fully achieve.
Our actions, have consequences. Everything we do, or say, will always lead us to something new.
I will never forget the day I met him. Meeting him, lead to me to grow in self love and acceptance, but it also lead me to lose him, pretty soon. If I've learned something about this, is that we cannot live in fear. We have to enjoy every single day, because we never know when it will be our last one, or someone else last one.
So this is my goodbye now.
Thank you Harry, I will love you unconditionally always and for ever.
we'll see each other again, I'm sure of that.

well, i guess this is the end of the road.
part two is over.
thank you so so much for everything❤️
i'm so grateful for the ones that have helped me through everything.
i'm sending all my love to you guys❤️

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