Chapter 6

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Renji's body was paralyzed. His mind was trying to understand why it was happening again. Her lifeless body laid at his feet motionless. Renji looked deeper into the cut on her neck. A cold draft filled the room. Due to the shock he did not notice the front door was open. Renji looked over and noticed the outside world was showing. "Wait why is the front door open!?" he thought to himself before running across the room. He arrived at the entrance. The sounds of tires skirted off. A van zoomed away from the house. "WHY DID YOU DO ALL OF THIS!" he yelled in rage. He panicked. His body was shaking. " Damn they're gone!" he said as looked out the doorway. He ran over to Cierra and held her body. He looked pressed his face down on her chest to hear a heartbeat. Her body was cold. He then knew what he would have to do. He positioned his shaking fingers on the watch. He glanced over at the microwave that had the time. Renji adjusted his watch. "If I go back five minutes," he thought as he adjusted the buttons. Renji clicked the final red button. He once again arrived in the space tunnel. He was traveling back in time. Rather than appearing in his older body, his mind appeared into a black space. Renji understood he was not supposed to be here. He was still fully conscious in this space. He then knew that this is where a typical dream is supposed to take place. Since he was asleep and dreaming before the event happened it was only natural for him to return back to sleeping where he once was. But rather than getting his previous dream he arrived in a new one. A cold voice echoed throughout the dream world. A voice that he doesn't know, but somehow feels familiar. The cold voice uttered the words: "Live in the impossible world". Just like the last time he used the watch, he heard those same words again. The watch was influencing his mind and dreams. His mind had taken him into a river. The river was brown. His body was covered in mud. He had on a military soldier attire. Renji looked down to see his dirty hands holding an assault rifle that was very heavy. A group of soldiers were in the water with him. Somehow his dream led him to be in vietnam. He was battling in a war. Considering Renji never truly paid attention to history class or studied. Renji would not have any in depth knowledge to be able to accurately create a dream of the situation. A group of enemy soldiers appeared over the river. They all pointed their guns at Renji's squad. Gunfire was shot behind the boy. Renji looked back to see his squad of soldiers fighting back in retailliation. Bodies of the men surrounding them began to fall into the river. Their blood floated in every direction. "Live in the impossible world," the voice uttered in his mind once more. Renji's mind had transferred to a new dream. He was in an unknown city. Renji was standing in a dark alleyway. A red demon like monster was crawling across from him as if it was about to attack. Suddenly another demon-like monster spawned next to renji. He was completely off guard. "What are you!?" Renji thought. The red creature was floating with no legs. It's eyes were facing different directions. The creature then took a new form. It was a giant head with four legs. It opened its mouth revealing large teeth. A huge beam of light engulfed the alleyway. The creature protecting renji had completely vaporized the monster in front of them. Renji was unsure if the creature would turn on him. Renji then woke up from his relentless dreams. The boy woke up in a sweat. He looked at his watch for the time to confirm that he did time travel. Renji looked next to her to see that Cierra had already left the bed. He then got up and made his way downstairs. As he got down the steps he noticed a girl-like figure in a black ski mask and wearing all black was standing behind Cierra. The robber already had the large kitchen butcher knife around the girls through. With a quick slash, Cierra's neck was already cut open before she could realize. The blood splattered onto the stove and the floor. The robber took notice of the boy watching the event happen. Renji dashed towards her with immense speed. He cocked back his arm for a strong punch. He then extended it to hit her. The two made eye contact. With them both being in range of each other attacks. The robber impaled Renji's stomach with her knife. The knife pierced deeply, going completely through and ripping apart the intestines. Renji stopped moving as he lost his balance. He was trying to keep his intestines from spilling out. Renji then fell to the ground and laid his head back onto the stove counter. Renji's hand felt hot with all of his blood covering his clothes. The robber ran out the front door once more. Renji with the last of his consciousness before he dies of blood loss, he twisted the buttons on the watch. "I need to go back further in time," Renji remarks in his mind as it's slowly drifting away. Renji then rewinds it before pressing the button. As it normally takes a few seconds for the watch to activate, Renji pressed his hand up against the Cierra's whose was laying on the floor. He felt her warm hand twitch. "You're alive," he says confused. "With garbled words, Cierra says "," before losing complete consciousness. She had finally died. With blood dripping out of Renji's mouth, he gave a grin before finally time traveling once more. "I love you too, goodnight my love," he says in his mind as he is then within the wormhole tunnel.

His consciousness sent him into a new dream. The familiar voice said his words. "Live in the impossible world". Renji awoke to an old fashioned house. The sky was dark. The moon was out. Renji was standing in front of a window. Renji looked around his surroundings. He then noticed he was looking out to a field of cotton. A dark skinned boy with a long ripped t-shirt that went past his knees was carrying a basket. Renji was confused and then realized what point of history it was. Renji then ran towards the backdoors entrance. He swung open the door and stood on the balcony. In history, african americans were counted as slaves. Renji understood the position he was in. Renji who thought he had control of the body stopped moving. "Please leave! No! No!" Renji yelled in his mind. His mouth wouldn't open. His mind was loud. Renji panicked as he was forced to spectate the person who was in control. Renji felt sad for the boy doing his labor work. The boy turned around and positioned the bucket to show off what he had. A pair of dogs crept up behind Renji. He was sick to his stomach. "Live in an impossible world". Renji's mind was transferred to a new body. The watch was messing with his mind and corrupting it with scenes from various histories. Renji's mind planted him in a man with glasses in a lab coat. He was sitting in an office chair in an office. The office seemed different from an average office. He had a microscope next to him and multiple papers. He had books and documents. Renji looked on to the papers and examined his surroundings once more. There was a window that showed the hallway. He was in a laboratory that looked deep underground. Renji adjusted his glasses. The lab had at least thirty people walking around. "It's time," one of the scientists says as they peak their head through the doorway. Renji stood up and followed him. Beside him stood a girl with brown hair with pink bangs. She had an odd smile. It looked as if she prepared for something to happen. Renji was suspicious but his body was forced to listen. Everyone was gathered around a person strapped to a table sitting up. Renji somehow knew what was next. This lab was for human experimentation. One of the scientists pulled out a syringe. As the man was about to inject the subject, Renji was pulled back into reality. Renji woke up in a sweat. He wiped his eyes and looked over. Cierra was still laying in the bed. "She is still asleep luckily.., she is adorable," his mind says as he glances down at her. He smiles and then rubs her hair. "I'm not sure how, this soon, but i love her so much," Renji thinks. "The intruder will be here in two minutes from now," he mumbles as his loving face twists into seriousness. Renji got out the bed and looked for his closet. He then pulled out his baseball bat that he was supposed to use for protection. Cierra opened her eyes at the time she was supposed to. She awoke and noticed Renji standing up. "Renji, where are you going?" she asks with a cute low tone. The boy glanced back after hearing the voice. "It will be fine," Renji remarks with a smile. Renji pulled out his phone from his pocket and opened the calling app. "Before anything, i'll just call the police ahead of time," he says as he dials the numbers. Renji made his way down the steps. He stood behind the front door. The robber was already outside picking the lock. The masked figure broke through the door. Before she could even notice the person, Renji swung the bat as hard as he could. The wooden bat cracked apart from the impact. The robber fell to the ground with blood and foam squirting out her mouth. The police arrived after five minutes. The police entered and asked what happened. Renji explained that a robber broke in through the front door. "Thank you," the police officer states as he asks him to call the ambulance. Renji replied with "your welcome" before watching everything unfold. Cierra came down the stairs due to the commotion. "Baby, what happened," Cierra asks as she walks up behind Renji. "There was an intruder," he responded to reassure her. The robber was revealed to be the same woman who threatened Cierra at school, along with most likely being the person who was attempting to kill Cerria in the rain. The two smiled. Cierra was relieved. The two were happy. Two months since that day came and gone.

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