Chapter 9

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Love can't be described.

It has no shape, it has no form.

Love is not an object.

Love does not conform.

Love enters our lives

The moment we are born.

From the cradle to the grave,

Love's in everyone.

Love burns like a candle

That sometimes flickers but never dies.

Love may be invisible,

Although it's right before your eyes,

Love can leave you empty,

Love can make you whole.

Love can make or break you,

Love is in your soul.

Love is in your heart,

Love is in your mind.

Love doesn't discriminate,

Love is always blind.

Love is universal,

It encompasses the globe.

No matter where you are,

Love has a language all its own.

Love is all around you.

There's plenty of love to spare.

You cannot see or touch it,

But love is everywhere.

Love's the greatest power,

And yet it is so small.

Love's a gift from God

To be shared amongst us all.

I think of you in the morning

before the sun rises,

when in the still of the darkness

my heart feels your presence.

Your love, your tenderness,

your slow rhythmic breathing as you sleep,

and I am at peace.

I think of you when the first rays of sunlight

spill like a waterfall between the blinds

and settle in my eyes.

I reach my hand, my foot, any body part will do,

to touch you and breathe you in.

It feeds my heart, my soul, my spirit,

and I am at peace.

I think of you at noon when the sun is at its highest,

when the heat warms my skin

and causes my eyes to close with sheer pleasure.

Thoughts of you surround me, envelop me, overpower me.

Images of you swirl around like a funnel cloud,

sucking into its grasp all that it touches,

and I am at peace.

I think of you when the sun is setting

and its final rays of light begin to fade.

I can hear your voice, deep, soft, and slow in my head--

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