Chapter 12

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The two stood outside the building. Renji glanced over to Cierra. She looked back with a beautiful smile before making their way to the front door. Renji then knocked on the door. Everything was silent, not a noise from the floors or a door knob twisting. "Hello?" Renji blurts out as he knocks more. "I don't think their home," Renji says as he looks back at the girl. Cierra then twisted the door knob to see it was unlocked. "Im their daughter, i don't think they would care if we walked in," She claims as she enters the house. Renji followed close behind. They analyzed the damaged and empty house. Everything was flipped over and broken. "Everything is destroyed," Renji notes to himself before questioning what had happened. "I guess they don't live here anymore," Cierra says as if she didn't care. "I guess we gotta go home, they're gone," Cierra remarks as she turns back around. Renji looked back in confusion. "What's wrong with you," Renji asks as his expression changes to worrying. "Nothing baby, it's okay," Cierra replies while giving a faint glance back at him. It was now 4:00pm. They had returned home and relaxed. Cierra was standing in front of the kitchen counter. She was shirtless with nothing but an apron on with black soft pants. "Baby, what do you want for dinner?" she says with a teasing smile. "Oh god, she's perfect. Best apron ever!" Renji says in his mind. "Just chicken," Renji replies in reality with a blushing and slight nervous look. Renji then sat in the leather chair in the living room. "By the way, what's with the watch," Cierra says suddenly. "Oh, my friend gave me it," Renji replies unsure how to answer. "Oh, can i see it," Cierra says as she looks back at him. "You tend to break stuff, so no," Renji says trying to make an excuse. CIerra then turned around and made her away to the living room. She then climbed onto the leather chair and sat on Renji's lap. "Are you sure about that," she says as she smiles. "Can I please," she remarks as she presses her breasts against his face. His eyes had completely focused on her cleavage. "How, what, my head isn't functioning right," Renji mentions to himself in his mind. His head was consumed with hormones, and desire. His love for her grew. He was admired by her body. Renji then readjusted himself and stood his ground. "Im sorry but no," he said confidently. Cierra then sat up and pouted. Renji then grabbed her and pulled her face closer. He pressed his lips against hers suddenly. He pulled away and rubbed her back. "Go ahead and fix dinner, love," he utters in a soft tone. Her eyes shifted to his. The two made deep eye contact before she stood up. "Got it," she says as she gets ready to go to the kitchen. A loud knock was heard at the front door. The boy stood up and walked towards it. The figure standing outside was none other than the orange haired boy with goggles on his head. Uriel stood before him in a much serious tone then normal. "Hey I need to talk to you," Uriel says as he looks at Renji. Cierra was standing a few feet behind Renji, watching the interaction. "What's wrong?," Renji asks. "This is a more serious matter, she can't know about," he said in a lower tone. Renji understood immediately. He then stepped out the doorway and closed the door behind him. "That power you have, the one you displayed at the old warehouse, I believe you have always had it since you were young," Uriel explains. "I'm not sure, I have blacked out a few times as a kid, anything could have happened," Renji says shamingly. "I believe you touched the watch before that man once gave it to you," Uriel says with a hardened voice. "It would make sense," Renji replies while thinking about his childhood. "Come to my house, after school, invite Cierra so she doesn't get suspicious," Uriel demands. "Alright, thank you for the information," Renji says as he turns around. Uriel's eyes then glanced at the watch on Renji's wrist. "Hey, have you noticed that crack," Uriel points out. Renji then stopped in his tracks and glanced at his watch. A small slight crack through the screen of the watch was slightly visible. "No i didn't notice this, wow, when did i get this," Renji questions. Uriel's face became more worried. After a few minutes of conversation, Renji returned to the house. Cierra had been waiting for him. "What was the problem," Cierra says as she looks at the boy walking past him. "It's nothing, just some issues about his parents that he wanted to get off his chest," Renji responds nervously. Cierra stared at him. "Are you hiding something from me?" she asks while trying to see through his lies. "I'm not, don't worry," Renji blurts out with a fake smile. "I hate myself for lying," he thinks to himself. "Well i'll get started on dinner," Cierra says as she moves towards the kitchen once more. Distrust and awkwardness filled the entire room. Thirty minutes had passed. A pot filled with food had been cooking. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around Cierra's waist. She was surprised. Renji hugged her tightly from behind and then licked the base of her neck and then lightly bit it. The actions caused her to slightly moan and laugh in happiness. The awkwardness faded away as the house was then filled with love. "I love you!" he says in her ear. She looked back at him before giving her reply.

They went to sleep later that night around 9:37pm. It was now in the morning at 10:17am. Renji sat up from the bed and yawned. He noticed that Cierra was missing from her side of the bed. Cierra had been standing and looking outside a window. "I'm right here, looking out the window," She explains. Renji began rubbing his eyes and moving closer towards her. "Come back to be with me," he groans as he is still sleepy. "Alright then," she says calmly as she begins to move closer to him. Cierra then looks down to see the time traveling watch sitting on a night stand. Renji started to take the watch off at night so he would stop getting weird dreams. Cierra then leaned in to grab the watch off the table to hand it to her boyfriend. "Here is your watch Renji," she says, preparing to touch it. Renji then immediately understood what was about to happen. Uriel's warning played in his head once more. If she touched the watch, she would stay dead regardless of going back in time. Renji then dashed towards her and grabbed the watch off the stand while shoving Cierra into a wall. Her back slammed against it. She fell to the floor and was in utter shock. "Im sorry, but you can't touch this!" he says desperately. Cierra became incredibly angry and upset. "It's fine..." she mutters under her breath. "I can't touch that watch, how unfair, we are together, we share everything, if that's the case, then you can't touch me," she speaks out as she stands up. "Goodbye I'll be in the bathroom," she says angrily as she walks past him. Renji then slammed his head into the nearest wall in frustration. His forehead created a bruise with blood dripping down his face. "DAMN IT!" Renji shouts in his mind. His pupils had changed shape. His emotions were unstable. "I Hate you!" he says with uncertainty. Renji then pulled a knife out the dresser that was meant for protection. His mind and body was tired and frustrated that he had ruined everything by not thinking and rushing. The built up anger from constantly saving her, and having to deal with situations back to back overcame him. Cierra was standing in front of the mirror, reevaluating herself. Renji bused in the door. Cierra glanced at the raging boy in front of her. Cierra had been crying. She looked over at the Renji who had a large butcher knife in his hand. "What are you doing!" Cierra says as she backs up. Renji then began to stab her repeatedly. He continuously stabbed out her face. With adrenaline pumping through him, he used every once of strength he had. He kept impaling the head before moving to the through and piercing it. He then kept stabbing throughout the body. Cierra laid on the bathroom floor, surrounded by a pool of blood. A hole was created in her face. Her neck was slit along with cuts along her arms with her intestines spilling out of her stomach.

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