Chapter 18

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Cierra: "i'm glad i met you".

Renji: "Stop talking like this, you're making the situation worse".

Cierra: "I know but i have to talk like this".

Renji: "why does it have to be like this!".

Renji: "you were my first love!".

Cierra: "why did you fall in love with me?".

Renji: "You are beautiful, you're so kind, aware of everything, caring to the soul, I could tell from your voice the kind of pain you were in. I've had the same pain. We were similar. You were someone I could connect to.

Cierra: "Is that true, or you were lonely and so happen to have me".

Renji: "It is true, I have been lonely, I've been with just Uriel this whole time, but no one to truly bond with. To live with. To love. Someone I can explain myself to and they would relate back. But I love you for those reasons. I can't get enough of you".

Cierra: "I love you for how much you have taken care of me, from letting me live, to the things you have bought for me, to the very times of us sitting in bed together. You made sure i was happy and fine, and when things weren't, you went back to make sure it was. You made sure our relationship was perfect. Most relationships have ups and downs but you made sure we did not. You made us perfect".

Cierra: "I'm sure if we kept going, we would have got married and had children, lovely children, I know you would have made me happy and all of them. Maybe somewhere in this timeline stuff, in some universe, this is true. I want to see and meet them. And to meet the Renji who would love and protect us all."

Renji: "Cierra..."

Cierra: "I love every moment of us, your awkwardness, when you were showing love, even going to Uriel's house, you made sure things were not boring. You would make me laugh, make me smile, make me feel emotions. You made me alive. Physically and mentally.

Cierra: "whoever you meet, i want them to have that again. If it's me or another girl, the world needs someone like you. This world is all sad and gloomy but you are that one person who can make two people happy, make your parents happy, and I know you can make more people across the world happy."

Renji: "I don't want anyone else, I just want you, just you, even if it was just us on another planet, if it was just us in our own space, I'd just want it with you".

Cierra: "You're selfish".

Renji: "I know but still. I love you and only you and is dedicated to you,"

Cierra: "There's other girls out there you know, there's other girls who are better looking than me, less emotional than me, smarter than me, have more money than me".

Renji: "I want you".

Cierra: "I have flaws".

Renji: I don't care, we all do, I can fix yours, we can work on them together".

Cierra: "If i didn't have flaws, i wouldn't be human".

Renji: "I don't care, I'd love you whatever you were".

Cierra: "You're obsessed with me".

Renji: "so what?".

Cierra: "I never did anything that special for you to love me so much. I know I made you happy but any other girl could have been what I was.

Renji: "So, you're better.

Cierra: "You're blinded by love, instincts, love on first sight".

Renji: "I'm not,"

Cierra: "What stopped you from having a first love before me?"

Renji: "Other girls cheat, lie, hide things, bring drama".

Cierra: "What made you think i wasn't going to do those things.

Renji: "I just knew from the moment you spoke, the way you acted.

Cierra: "That's the Renji i knew as a child. The you that just knew things, the one that just didn't do anything till they found the right thing".

Cierra: "look how much you have grown up, your tall, handsome, smart and even blessed with god's abilities. Your young Renji, you still have a lot to learn along with the rest of the human race".

Cierra: "I was just fated to die, it was a plan, but in some ways, I'm happy, I got to live longer, got to feel like my life was worth something. I got to live for someone other than the idea of not wasting my life".

Renji: "i'm not sure what i will do without you".

Cierra: "I know you will find a way, i don't want to bring everyone down along with me. It isn't fair to them or even you.

Renji: "I love you".

Cierra: "..."

Renji: "i love you"

Cierra: "..."

Renji: "i love you"

Renji: "why won't you say it back?"

Cierra: "I will but first".

The two stepped closer to each other. Renji placed his hand on her cheek and pulled her closer. With the two closing their eyes, their lips conjoined for a final kiss. Their love connects them once more. Their souls had become one. Cierra then pulls away and smiles. "Goodbye my love, maybe one day ill find a way to get to you again, I'll always love you no matter what," Cierra says with a joyful grin. I was so sad to say anything, no words could leave my mouth. Everything I did for her was a waste, but at the same time, it gave meaning to my life as well, kept me moving on my feet. Allowed me to relieve my pain of loneliness on someone else. We were equal. All I could do was form a smile along with all of my tears.

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