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Draco Malfoy 

Hours Earlier: Slytherin Dormitories

I felt a wave of annoyance run through my veins. I threw open the wooden door to my dormitory and stormed down the hall. My fist rammed against Allard, Nott and Zabini's dormitory door.  There was no response on the other side. 

"Fuck!" I groaned. 

I threw my head up to the ceiling, staring at the old cold stone above. It wasn't like them to disappear on a Thursday night but the common room was completely empty, other than the usual first and second years. I let out another groan as I rubbed the back of my neck with my hand. 

"They aren't here, Draco" a familiar voice spoke behind me. 

I turned around and saw Pansy walking towards me. She was wearing her Slytherin school robe. The black cloth was wrapped around her waist. I felt my body tense up with her presence. There was just something about her this year that put me in the worse possible mood. 

"What?" I asked, rubbing my good hand over my face. 

"They went out," she smirked. 

"Pansy— I am going to need you to be a little more clear" I snapped, slamming my hand against Blaise's door. "Who went out and where are they?"

"Naomi and Oliver..." a wicked smile creeped over her pale lips. 

I narrowed my eyes at her, feeling the annoyance creep up my spine. I let out a deep breath, trying to steady my emotions. I knew she was just trying to get a reaction out of me and I wasn't going to let her have it. 

"Blaise and—" she pauses tapping her finger to her lips, "and Armena and Theo."

My left hand clenched at my side, as my breathing picked up. The last two names set my teeth on edge. I didn't want to admit what I was feeling right now but I was fucking jealous. 

Why would she want to be with him? What did he have that made her want to be with him? I felt anger rush through my veins at the thought of him touching her skin. 

"Where did they go?" I closed my eyes, breathing deeply through my nose.

"Three Broomsticks" she shrugs, "I figured you wouldn't want to go, so I told them to go without us. I thought we could spend time together."

I let out another deep breath, opening my eyes. I knew my grey eyes would be silver with rage. What gave her the assumption that I wanted to spend time with her? She ignored all the warning signs that I was giving her, dropping her robe to the floor. She was wearing a pair of red knickers and a matching bra. 

"Oh for the love of Merlin! Put your fucking clothes back on, Pansy" I spit. 

I turned around, walking towards my dormitory at the end of the hall. I could feel her presence behind me as she nipped at my heels. I ignored it, slamming the door in her face with one swift motion. I could hear her whimper on the other side like a lost puppy. I threw on a jumper and a pair of black slacks. 

I looked at myself in the mirror: deep, dark circles form under my eyes. I knew I looked like shit, I hadn't been able to get a good nights rest in days. Every fucking time I closed my eyes, my dreams were filled with thoughts of well— her

Images of her body under mine, while her head bends back in pure pleasure. The idea of her melting under my touch. It sent raw shivers down my spine. I couldn't get the taste of her skin out of my mouth. I wanted more, so much fucking more. Would she moan again when my lips touched her neck?

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