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Draco Malfoy

I quickly walked down the long hall towards the library. I knew she would be in there catching up on her work that she missed from her stay in the infirmary. I felt a wicked smile pull up on the corners of my lips as I thought about the plans I had for her today. 

I couldn't get her off my mind since I felt her skin under my fingers.

I walked past the rows and rows of books, until I spotted her. Armena was buried deep in a pile of old books. She looked absolutely stunning, as I watched dust dance around her head. She tickle her face with her quill before writing down something on a piece of crisp parchment paper. She went back into the book, her fingers scanning the pages carefully. 

I walked around slowly, standing behind the dark haired beauty. My fingers carefully reached down and moved her hair, exposing her neck. I watched as she jumped under my touch only to relax when she realized it was me. I leaned down and planted kisses on her neck. I went soft at first, savoring the taste of her skin on my tongue but it wasn't enough. I wanted more like I always did. I let my teeth graze at her skin, nipping at the thin flesh that rested on her neck. My lips and teeth aching onto her flesh, bringing the blood to the surface.

"Draco..." she let out a soft moan.

"Did you miss me?" I breathed into her neck.

Her hand swatted me away, as she turned around in her chair to look at me. I reached down and grabbed her chin aggressively, lifting it up to meet my gaze. Her lips parted, as I bent down, my mouth meeting her own. Our kiss became passionated as her hands wrapped around my jumper, pulling me down onto her. She let out soft moans into my mouth as we deepened the kiss. Our moment was soon interrupted when as group of younger students chatted mindlessly in the next row over. 

"Come with me" I breathed into her mouth, grabbing her hand.

I pulled her with me towards the Restricted Section. I reached into my pocket of my pants, pulling out the old key that Blaise and I stole from Filch a few years ago. I slipped the key into the rusty lock and pushed on the wooden doors, opening up the darkly lit section. I watched as she walked quickly down the row, turning a corner. She winked at me and disappeared right before my very eyes. I felt my lips pull up into a smirk as I shifted my gaze down the hazy row. 

"What games are you playing?" I let out a deep breath.

I shut the door, locking us in, I pulled out my wand, casting the imperturbable charm. I didn't need anyone interrupting us today. No, I needed her. 

"MuffIiato" I hissed. 

I quickly followed after her, the heels of my boots giving me away. I looked down the rows, expecting to find her with every turn but she was like a ghost. Suddenly, I felt hands snake around my waist, as she grabbed me from behind. Her hands snaked around feeling for my belt buckle. In one swift motion, she ripped the belt from my waist and disappeared.

"Armena?" I held back a smile, "are you playing games with me?"

I walked around the corner, trying to find her.  

"Maybe..." she breathed in my ear again.

I felt her move to try and get away but I was quicker. I spun around, pinning her against the shelf. I watched as her teeth grabbed her bottom lip, her chest rapidly rising and falling in a swift and easy motion. My hand reached out and ever so delicately, I brushed my thumb over her bottom lip. I tugged at it slightly, pulling it out of her teeth.  

"Don't bite your lip" a low growl escaped from the back of my throat. "You don't know want to know what that does to me."

I let go of her lip and watched as a wicked smile spread across her lips.

Dark Blood // D.M.Where stories live. Discover now