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Draco Malfoy

Hogwarts Express

It's not that I didn't want to be here, but the truth was I wanted to be anywhere except here. 

When I thought about Hogwarts, I thought about death, the battle, my failed attempt at assassinating Dumbledore, and Death Eaters. I let out an exasperated sigh, through my lips, as I watched Blaise take the seat across from me. He rested his hands on the table and smirked a cheeky grin at me. I was tempted at throwing a harsh jab at him but in all truth it was too much effort. 

"Oy— Another boring ass train ride right mate" Oliver jabs his elbow into my ribs, as he settles down next to me on the bench.

"Watch it" I hissed under my breath.

I closed my eyes, listening to the noise of the train's loud and rattling engine. I wondered if this year would be any different. If I would be treated any different by the people who have seen me grow up. They now knew I was an ex-Death Eater, who still bore the mark of the Dark Lord. 

I felt myself shaking my head at the thought of him. After he met his end, I made a vow to myself that I would stay as far away from anything involving Dark Magic as much as possible.

"Allard, Malfoy— did you see Ginny yet?" he let out a low whistle. "I would ruin her life if only she let me."

I arched my brow at Blaise's comment. That female Weasley was nothing but a waste of space and air if you ask me. Why would Blaise find her of any interest? I guess she was better than the dimwit of the Golden Trio. The bloody Golden Trio, the thought of seeing Potter and his misfits cause the bile to rise up in my throat. Saint Potter, that's what the Prophet called him, while I was labeled the Death Eater or the disgrace. Our family got off scot free from the trials. My father only had to spend a few months in Azkaban, while my mother and I were put under house arrest during that time. The moment Dumbledore strode into our home, offering his invitation for my return I knew my life was over.

I knew this year was over.

All I had to do was go through the motions. I would drink, fuck and try to stay in the shadows. Get my work done, stay on top of the class and avoid anything dark magic related. That was the goal.

"Fuck yeah I did!" Oliver chimes in, "did you see her ass... mate, I swear she didn't use to be this hot."

"Weasley?" I snickered, my lip curling up into something sinister. "You boys must have gone utterly insane. Did you possibly get blown into oblivion during the war... she's a bloody Weasley."

"Just because she's a Weasley, doesn't mean that I wouldn't hit that" Blaise high fives Oliver.

The sound of the door's latch clicked open with a pop. The nose cause me to jerk slightly in my seat. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Crabbe as he yanked open the cabin door. Stacks of sweets, tarts, licorice wands, and sugar quills spilled from his awkward limbs. I arched my brow as I watch him stumble over he's own two feet. He used the base of his shoe to try and close the cabin door, but his balance was off-kilter. After all these years, it amazed me how we were all still friends.

"Sorry boys— I got distracted by the trolly" the round faced boy mumbled, as he plopped down next to Blaise on the bench. "Want any?"

He extended his hands toward Oliver Allard and I. The sweets, sugar quills, pumpkin pasty's, licorice wands and chocolate frogs spilled everywhere onto the small compartment table. I wanted to vomit at the excess of food that he had. We had only been on the train for less than an hour and he still managed to find food.

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