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Draco Malfoy

I wiped the sweat off of my face with the sleeve of my quidditch practice uniform

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I wiped the sweat off of my face with the sleeve of my quidditch practice uniform. I stayed hovered in the air on my Nimbus 3001, the newest edition of the broomstick that my father bribed me with. I scanned the scrimmage, as the boys fought to win the practice round. There was not much for me to do at these practices, I mainly just filled in for other players that got knocked out by a bludger. Thunder cracked from above and the air suddenly shifted. I felt my arm start to throb where the dark mark stained my skin.

"Fuck" I hissed, trying to steady myself on my broom.

"You alright?" Blaise flew up beside me, hovering in the sky.

"Yeah fine!" I yelled over the burst of thunder.

We both looked up staring at the sky. It looked angry, full of vengeance. It would be a matter of minutes before the sky broke out in a storm. 

"Practice is over" I yelled. 

Everyone continued to fly around. 

"Fucking practice is over!" I screamed. 

Everyone stopped in the air, staring at me. I flicked my hand towards the locker rooms. In a matter of seconds, everyone was easing onto the ground.

"You!" I snarled. 

A second year, who was trying to suck up to get onto the team next year stopped dead in his tracks. He looked at me with wide eyes, scared out of his mind. 

"Fucking pack up all this shit" I waved to the mess around the field.

"Yes Malfoy," the little shimp of a boy nodded his head.

I shook my head, the sweat dripping off of my hair. I watched as my friends walked into the locker room and that is when I saw her. She was leaning against the wooden siding of the quidditch field. I shook my head and slowly walked over to her.

"You look good up there" she smirked, waving to the sky above

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"You look good up there" she smirked, waving to the sky above.

I looked around us, we were the only ones left on the field beside the little boy. I gripped onto my broom stick and leaned one hand against the wooden siding of the stands, surrounding her completely. She took her lip in-between her teeth. 

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