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Armena Riddle-Lestrange


I lifted myself up on the raised, long platform, taking a spot in between Oliver and Theo. I watched as Naomi demonstrated her favorite stances for dueling. The platinum blonde haired girl bounced around in front of us, causing Oliver to quite literally drool. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the platform behind me. I was curious as to what Snape had planned for us today in D.A.D.A.

"Oy Naomi— I bet I could blast you right off this stage in one fell swoop" Oliver chuckled.

I turned my attention back to my friends. Naomi pointed her lips, stomping her feet like an impatient child. I bit my lip trying to hold back a laugh at the foolishness.  

"Oliver, we all know Naomi is a way better witch than you ever will be..." I snickered, winking at Naomi.

"Oy, that was very rude, Lestrange" he grabbed at his robe, fisting the fabric over his heart. 

He pretended to collapse against Theo, acting as if he was dying of a broken heart. I punched him in the arm, narrowing my eyes at the dark haired boy. 

"You always had a flair for the dramatic, Ollie" Naomi giggled.

I leaned back on the heels of my palms on the platform, watching as they continued to fool around. More students were gathering in the open classroom. The sound of endless chatter filled the air. I felt Theo's hand graze over my leg, causing me to flinch slightly. He didn't remove it though, he kept it glued to my thigh. I turned my head slowly, raising a brow at him. 

"Armena..." he starts, "I wanted to thank you for listening to me the other day."

My mind flashed back to our conversation in the common room, after he saw the Thersals. He was so open with me that day, so honest. It was a different side of Theo than I have seen before and I appreciated it. It was refreshing and different, so very different than the current blonde headed prick that was constantly on my mind. 

"Theo, really, it is not a problem" I smiled up at him.

I gazed into his blue eyes, watching them dance in front of me under the classroom lights. His eyes were so bright, it was like staring into a crystal clear ravine. The corners of his lips turned up and he flashed a bright white smile down at me. I searched his face, trying to get a sense of where he was going with this. I could tell something is on his mind and I was almost tempted to find out what it was.

"I have those journals for you... " Theo whispers, "Here." 

He reached into his black school bag, pulling out four old, leather bound journals. I took them quickly out of his hand, studying them. I flipped them over, my hands grazing over the worn leather bindings. It felt like pure magic was rushing through me the more I touched them.

"Thank you" I whispered, glancing up at him.

"Armena, really it's not a big deal," he smirked. "Like I said, I would do anything for you..."

I opened my mouth to say something kind back to him but there was movement out of the corner of my eye. I knew exactly who it was, I didn't need to turn to confirm it but I wanted to. That familiar feeling of pure electrical sparks rushed up my spine. 

Don't you dare turn around. 

I tried with all of my restraint not to give into the pull but I couldn't help it. I whipped my head around, glancing over my shoulder. It would have been so obvious to anyone watching, I wasn't necessarily being discrete with my actions. I spotted him leaning against the far stone wall of the classroom, his grey eyes blazing into my own.

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