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Draco Malfoy

I twisted my rings around on my finger, my eyes staring at the emerald green one barely sitting on my pinky. The gold band stopped just short of my knuckle. When I saw it in Cosme Acajor, I knew I had to give it to her. The rich green stone reminded me of the deepest depths of her eyes. 

I heard her shut off the water, the sound of stray water droplets hitting the floor in the bathroom. She opened the door, walking out into our room. I continued to play with the green stone, watching as it danced under the light of the room.

"Draco?" she asked.

I slowly looked up at her, my bottom lip between my teeth. I watched as her eyes went wide to my pinky, noticing the new addition to my rings.

"It's not what you think..." I smirked.

"Oh" she breathed.

Her wet hair formed waves around her face. She slowly walked up to me, fitting herself between my legs. Her hands ran through my hair as her nails lightly scraped my skin. My hands snake their way around her back, pulling her closer.

"I saw this today in Cosme Acajor and I knew you had to have it. It was like the ring was pulling my to it. Well I didn't buy it, I stole it but— " I stopped, watching her face carefully.

"You stole a ring for me?" 

"Er— yeah, I did..." I shook my head. 

She chewed on her bottom lip, looking down towards the stone. I slowly picked up her right hand and slipped the emerald over her middle finger.

"It reminded me of your eyes Armena. Your eyes are like the forest, I could just look at it and get lost for days. Depending on your mood, they can be as bright as the green stain glass window that hangs in the Divinations classroom or they can be as dark as the black lake... " I breathed. "We have been through some complete shit together and I wanted you to have something to look at, so that you can remember these better moments that we shared."

"Draco" she whispered, "please don't talk like that."

I didn't want to even think about a day where Armena and I might be apart, but I knew we aren't the lucky ones. We aren't the good guys in this battle. We were both forced into a life that we didn't choose or want.

"We can't be naïve in the fact that this will end well" I sighed. "Armena, I want you to know that— "

Her fingers went to my lips, holding one finger gently across it. She looked down on me with lust dancing in her eyes.

"This is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me. Draco I—" she whispered, her eyes searching mine. "I seemed to have lied to you all those weeks ago in Potions. I didn't smell nothing in that cauldron." 

She paused searching my face again. 

"Go on..." I encouraged. 

"A fresh, perfectly tailored black suit, spearmint, green apple, a hint of pine from the forest and the smell of metal from a very old family ring. That's what I smelt in my Amortentia all those weeks ago."

I could have sworn the whole world stopped in that very moment.

"You make me feel real Draco. You make me into a person and not just an object for everyone's deepest desires" she sighs.

"You are more to me than an object, you know that" I look up to her, meeting her bewitching green eyes.

"Show me" she breathes.

Dark Blood // D.M.Where stories live. Discover now