chapter one: PenPal

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Chris's P.O.V;

It was two weeks before the start of high school. I will be a junior and its going to be exhausting. But it will be worth it senior year. It was currently eight-thirty in the morning, I was getting ready to go grocery shopping. My mom just went to work , so I have the house to myself. As I finished getting dressed, there was a ring from the doorbell. I went down the steps and opened the door to a package for my mom from my dad. I decided to check the mailbox for more mail. And sure enough, we had more mail. I was looking through the envelopes to see what they are and who their for. I finally got to a pretty pastel lavender envelope. I immediately recognized it and got super excited. I soon was sitting on the couch after putting my moms mail on the dining table. I open the letter and began reading the response from my pen-pal. She wrote;

                           Dear Pen-Pal,

Through the terribly long past four years we have been talking, you have helped me through a lot. So i want to exchange names for incase we meet in person. I genuinely consider you as a close friend to me. I will tell you my name if you feel comfortable with telling me yours. I will not push or rush you if you do not feel comfortable or do not wish to say your name. I hope life has been treating you right. My boyfriend wishes to meet you as a thank you forgetting me out of my shell. And two of my brothers wish to meet you as to see the miracle who from there points of view and I quote "brought you from your slump and makes your day on a daily". so I wish you a lovely day and I await your reply.

                                                                                                          sincerely yours, your Pen-Pal

I was so touched that not only does she like me writing to her but the fact her boyfriend and brothers want to meet me. Wow I'm glad I could make an impact. Ok, I have decided on writing her back today. I had finished writing back to her, I put the letter in my signature candy cane designed envelope. I did the usual wax sealing with my dark dragon wax stamp which is specifically used for pen-pal letters I write. Then I wrote the new mailing address since they moved. I mailed the letter out and grabbed my keys and went to the store. I get out of my car in front of the grocery store in Port Angeles since that is the closest supermarket near forks. I walk in and grab a buggy. As I start walking around I realize that they reorganized and restocked the store. After about and hour, I finally find all the things that I was looking for and also got some snacks for me and my moms movie night this weekend. I finally check out and pay for the groceries and head to my car. I get to my car and put the groceries in the trunk. I start my car and make the forty-five minute drive from the store to my house. By the time I got home, it was already lunch time. So I take the groceries into the house and start making myself a freaking sandwich cause I'm a hungry bitch. After I finished eating, I went to the reservation to talk to the pack. I get out my car only to be tackled my none other than Leah and Emily. "It seems to me that I was missed greatly" I smirk as they nod there heads enthusiastically. "Where were you Chris, you went off the radar for about a month. What happened?" Leah asked with both worry and fear. "D-did we do something w-wrong?" Emily asked with tears gathering in her eyes. " N-no you didn't do anything at all. The reason I went off the radar is because I went to visit my other family member. My dad hasn't seen me in roughly ninety-five years give or take and I had to go for an emergency trip to calm my aunt Persephone cause her hell hound got in a fight with Cerberus and Cerberus threw him in the soul spiral. She tried to rip all Cerberus's heads off. I had to pry her off of Cerberus and take her to grow some soul-vines so she can make some strawberry-rose pies. Oh that reminds me, Emily I brought you a piece of chocolate cake that uncle hades made. he also hopes to meet you and find out how you make the pumpkin cherry muffins. He absolutely loves them. And for you Leah, my cousin Apollo was hoping to take you for a picnic and even had uncle Hephaestus make a gift to give you. Here, it's called an Trailing Arbutus. It represents purity. Both of my uncles made it as well as painted it. he hopes you like it" I told them and after they cheered up, I handed them the gifts. They smiled and hugged me again as we went inside. From the moment I entered the house I was tackled into a group hug by none other than the pack themselves. "Chris we missed you so much where were you?" they all asked in unison and I was happy cause they were my closest friends. "I went to visit family. But all that aside I have some news that you all will not like" I said with a smile before going sad. Everyone sits or stands around waiting for me to speak. I took a deep breathe and sighed. "I just found out from the oracle of the gods that I am mated to two supernatural beings that are your born enemy. Now my question is what supernatural creature do you all fucking hate. Because i don't want to lose you or lose my mates. Please tell me, I need to know" I asked them with tears in my eyes. They all look at each other then back at me. "That is not our place to tell you cause it is not our secret to tell. And if they love and protect you as well as you love them and they make you happy then we're ok with it but they must know that we're your family and they can't push us apart" Paul said said with a smile. "Thank you all that means so much. Now who wants to go for a run. I'm just itching to get out" I said while walking out the back door with the pack close behind me. "Can you bake some sweets for when we get back Emily. please, I haven't had your cookies in fucking forever?" I asked Emily. After she nodded her head, me and the pack went running round like a bunch of baboons. I love my family and I wouldn't change it for the world. 

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