Chapter 10: The utter relief that was felt

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Jasper's P.O.V: I was completely and utterly terrified for my cookie. Edward had told me when she was tearing Maria apart but told me that she was on her way back at around three forty-five. It's now five-ten and I'm scared that she got hurt on the way back or worse, she could have been killed. I was panicking while holding onto Emmett cause I didn't want to loose him If I had lost my darling cookie. "Jasper calm down, Your thoughts are bouncing around everywhere" Edward says as he crouches in front of me. "H-how can I-I calm d-down when I-I don't e-even know I-If Chris I-Is ok" I stutter out as I continued to dry sob into Emmett's chest while he rubbed circles on my back. I didn't realize what was going on until I heard a voice that cause me to jump up with relief. "Did my lovelies miss me as much as I missed them" I heard her sweet melody like voice that always made me weak in my knees. I leap out of Emmett's arms and lap with such speed and ran to my cookie, tackling her onto the floor as a blurry mass before landing on top of her and curling up into her lap. "C-cookie, I-I was s-so afraid t-that you w-were either h-hurt or k-killed on y-your way b-back. Edward kept s-saying that you were f-fine but I-I was still terrified. What t-took you so l-long?" I whimper out, asking her with pleading eyes. "Oh cupcake, it took awhile to explain what was going on and get them to help because my uncle Poseidon wouldn't stop complaining as to him being dragged all the way from his ocean palace where he does his job to be brought to Forks for whatever he was needed for. Then we had to deal with Maria and all her followers. Then we got back to my house where my family said to let them know if you all ever are in a pickle and need some assistance. Plus I had to change out of my fighting outfit into something more comfortable. I also figured that because of this, you wouldn't want to be away from me for awhile, so I packed some outfits for a couple of days since I know you also wouldn't want to leave your family here while you come and stay with me at my place. So if it is ok with everyone else if I could stay here for a bit for my two loves and lights of mine?" She inform me then proceeded to ask everyone else if it was ok. "Of course dear child, it would help the boys quiet a bit" Esme told her while the others nodded there heads in agreement. "I also grabbed the gifts that I made for you two before I left my room. I hope you two like them" she said as she handed us the two little boxes. We open them up to find matching charm bracelets inside. Both of them have a ruby heart charm clipped to the wrist chain. She helps us put them on as she holds me in her lap and run her fingers through Ems hair while he rests his head on her shoulder. "As we get farther into our relationship, the more charms we'll buy and put on your bracelets. There a symbol of our love and for remembrance as well as luck" she tells us as we each gave her a passionate kiss. "Thank you c-cookie" I whimper out as I cling to her for dear life. "Let's go to your two's room and cuddle together, how bout that?" she asked as I nodded my head in agreement. She stood up with me still in her arms and walked up to our room with Emmett close behind. We enter our room and head over to the bed. Emmett closes the door behind us and comes over and crawls into bed with us and spoons Chris while Chris is spooning me. "I'm terribly sorry if I scared you my lovelies. Could you ever possibly forgive me?" She asked as she curled around me more as well as curled into Emmett more as well. "How can we not forgive you when you have given us the fullness that we have always craved for until we met you. We will always forgive and love you, Forever and always" Emmett told her as we both kissed her and drifted off into a peaceful meditation while she fell asleep. I was at complete and utter relaxation as only one thing came to mind, These two will always be my forever and always. That is something that I would never want to change for the world. They are mine and I'll do whatever I have to in order to keep them. I will never lose them from neither my heart, soul, or grip. I will never let them go. I lost track of how long I was in meditation for but when I finally came to, I tried to sit up but was pulled back down by strong arms. I was a little confused since the arms that pulled me down were smaller than Emmett's. I started to panic until I realized who it was. I turned around in her grip and was now facing her. She looked so peaceful when she slept. I gently cupped her cheek with my hand and placed a kiss on her lips. It was meant to be a quick kiss until she pulled me flushed against her body and held my head in her hand while deepening the kiss. I moaned out into her mouth at her actions. She ran her tongue along my lower lip asking for entrance to which I quickly deny. She growls out and lowers her hand down to my ass and gives it a rough squeeze causing me to gasp. She took advantage of my mouth being open and shoved her tongue into it, exploring my mouth in a breathtaking kiss. I whimper into the kiss as she rolls us over and gets in between my legs. She starts palming me through my shorts causing me to release a loud gasp. "Oh cupcake, you taste so delicious. I want more of you" she growled out as she puts her hand in my shorts and boxers to start stroking my cock extremely fast. "B-but mommy, w-what about d-daddy?" I ask as I just now realized that Em isn't here. "He went with Esme to do the shopping to keep up your guys appearance, then is gonna spend time with Edward, Blade, and Rosalie. I told him that if he wasn't back before you came back from meditation, that I would take you. I also said that if he comes back while we're still making love that he could join in. I hope that's ok cupcake" she said as she slowed her hand down, much to my displeasure. "F-faster mommy, p-please" I begged her with my needy whimpering voice. She smirked at my neediness. She strips me bare of all clothing as well as herself. She lowers her head down and begins to deepthroat me at an agonizingly slow pace. "M-mommy, mommy please speed up please, mommy please go faster please?" I beg her as she chuckles around my member causing me to arch my back from the bed. She proceeded to go past vampiric speed and give me more pleasure than ever.

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