chapter 4: the sting of scorpia

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Y/n: I'm REALLY not compensating

MJ: confident are we~

Petra: Mjaaaaayy! >\\\\\\<

MJ: want to show us?

Petra: NO!!

Y/n: I mean petra is my girl FRIEND I mean! Um not my girlfriend i mean yeah my girlfriend...

You take a breath and exhale.

Y/n: I'm not gonna get naked if she's not ok with it

MJ: aww... but I'm curious now!

Petra: we don't need to see his dick!!

Suddenly a black tendril pulls your pants and underwear down causing them both to nosebleed.

MJ: holy shit!!! Only spidergirl could handle something like that!!

Petra shields her face and lays back as she blushes like crazy.

You start choking venom as its tongue hangs out and its gurgling.

Y/n: you pull that shit again and I'm blasting Metallica over the loudspeaker!!!

Venom makes some gargling sounds trying to imitate human speech but for some reason it doesn't just talk through its uh telepathy.


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You MJ and Petra are just sitting in the room reading and listening to music.

Petra: hey aunt may ^^
Everything ok?

May: um...yes...I'm sorry for shouting 

Y/n: it's alright, we were listening to music so we hardly heard you shout

May mind: for once I'm glad they have those

May: well is there anything you need?

Y/n: you guys have any chocolate?

May: I could whip up some chocolate pudding

Y/n: thanks
That would be ah-may-zing

She chuckles at the corny joke and goes back downstairs.

Petra: that was way too close

MJ: ah-may-zing?

Y/n: she took me as the type to like dad jokes

Petra: I mean you're right but still...

Y/n: anyway...

Venom: idk about you but I'M excited!! XD hahahaha

Petra punches their face and venom goes back to your body.

Petra: y/n...

You hug her close and she nuzzles you as she looks up at you.

(On Hold)Spidergirl x male venom chad readerWhere stories live. Discover now