chapter 3: y/n vs...crushes flash

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After a few nights on patrol with your spidergirl Petra parker things have been going well for you. Your friends and family don't really know yet but they'll find out soon enough.
You walk through the halls and you get called out.

Flash: Y/N!!!

Y/n: what is it now flash? =_=

Flash: you, me, cafeteria
We face off at lunch!

Petra: enough of that flash...we have more important things to worry about

Eventually lunch time comes around and flash does his chicken dance since you won't fight him but you do record it.

Y/n: I'm gonna make this my new favorite gif and share it with any fast food places he applies for

Petra: hahaha XD *snorts*

Y/n: you snort when you laugh huh

Petra: yeah, sorry

Y/n: don't be

Flash: just arm wrestle me!

Y/n: arm wrestle?
What is this middle school?
If it'll shut you up

You get on the table and everyone gathers together, flash cracks his knuckles and punches in the air as you just internally cringe.

Y/n: are you done? =_=

Flash: yeah, let's make this a bit more interesting

Y/n: this already doesn't interest me at all

Flash: whoever wins gets to be permanent quarterback and the loser has to eat this

He pulls out a jock strap and everyone covers their nose.

Y/n: you just keep that with you?
No wonder your girlfriends don't stick around
You smell like someone farted in an elevator and bottle that stench

People start laughing and flash puts his arm on the table.

Announcer kid: this will be the fight of the century, who knows who could come out on top
Who will win the title of quarterback, who will eat a jockstrap, who will be humiliated and who will bring home the gold, who will be hung out like laundry and who wi-!!!

Y/n: it's over

Flash is just keeled over with his arm limp on the table as he wheezes.

Flash: hhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuu......

Y/n: I think his arm is broken too...

You go over and finish your lunch with Petra.

Petra: a bit overkill isn't it?

Venom: sorry ^^ we got excited

Y/n: I don't have a full grasp on this venom strength yet

Intercom: this is the principal
I need y/n l/n to my office please y/n l/n to my office thank you

Y/n: that was fast

You get up and head over to the principal and ge coach is there too.

Y/n: I'm guessing news travels fast

Principal: Thanks to twitter, yes it does

Principal: Thanks to twitter, yes it does

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