chapter 7: spider mate

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You go through the city of Manhattan with spidergirl. Since you've been out on patrol venom has actually been more and more passive as time went on. Half the time you wonder if he even exists.

Spidergirl: so how is...uh venom? You managing?

Y/n: honestly I have no idea
I haven't heard from...them for a while...its almost like he isn't real

Spidergirl: when he's not talking, that's when you worry about it...
Power like that comes at a cost

Y/n: well, like my uncle jimbo always said
With great power...
Comes great big booty bitches

Spidergirl: shut up XD

Y/n: I only need one though

You yank her into you and hold her close.
Her blush is strong enough to show through her red mask

Spidergirl: baaabe... we're working...>\\\\\\<

Y/n: I know, but I love you

Spidergirl: I love you too

You keep going as you stop more thugs and more of the armies of crowbar wielding retards

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You keep going as you stop more thugs and more of the armies of crowbar wielding retards.

Y/n: honestly you'd think they would learn that normal humans don't have a chance against us

Spidergirl: that would require something called brains

Y/n: I'm a meathead myself, and when I think they're dumb that's saying a lot

Thug: I'm gonna kill you!

A thug keeps struggling in your head lock as you give him a nuggie basically your equivalent to a tea bag. Then you knock em out.

Spidergirl: you never see any girl thugs huh

Y/n: most women aren't strong enough for this, plus many of them aren't prepared for anxiety on this level

Spidergirl: I know I wouldn't be,
I feel guilty stealing a pencil

Y/n: its possible that there are some but my guess is that Twitter wouldn't be happy with female thugs getting highlighted as bad guys

Spidergirl: I was on twitter once, it just wasn't for me

You grab hold of a thugs gun and smacks him with you.

Y/n: I call that the web yoink

Spidergirl: I call this the face splatter

She webs up a guys face as you knock him out.

Y/n: didn't I use that on you?

Spidergirl: s-shut up .\\\\\\\.

Y/n: I love you too

Spidergirl: we can do that later...

Fem thug: damn, and I thought I was kinky~

You stomp on her head knocking the girl out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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(On Hold)Spidergirl x male venom chad readerWhere stories live. Discover now