chapter 6: sexy sinister

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???: because


As she gives her speech some read head comes in and interrupts her.

??? 2: greeny, what are you doing?

Green goblin: I'm putting my plan into action Redhead octopus

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Green goblin: I'm putting my plan into action
Redhead octopus

Green goblin: I'm putting my plan into action Redhead octopus

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Red ock: what plan?

???: she's gonna pose as a gym teacher and find spidergirl at NYC

Red ock: oh, you mean MY old plan

Green goblin: because you targeted the strongest person
You tried to go for the strongest girl when she would intentionally fail to keep her identity
I'll corner her in my office and then I force her to use her spider senses to dodge a bullet

Red ock: pfft, yeah ok
Get back to me when you're done butchering random students

Green goblin: this WILL work!

Red ock: want to bet?
If you're wrong, you clean up this entire hideout top to bottom

Green goblin: and if I'm right, then you have to go out to times square topless

Red ock: oooo it's on
Normally I'd say that's a one sided wager but...just look at this place


Y/n: I still can't get over being smart, it's like I'm possessed or something

Petra: heh heh...well I'm glad you have a brain now

Y/n: it just makes my head feel funny

Intercom: everyone to the gymnasium for 4th period, we have a new substitute today

You all head to the gym and there's a big obstacle course right there in the middle of the court.

Petra: this feels very familiar...

The new gym teacher has sweat pants and a track shirt.

Teach: alright, everyone line up!
I conducted this test and arranged this with the principal
Those who do good, well
Good for you, those who fail on the other hand...well...let's just say that you'll be taken to my office for us to discuss how exactly we will deal with your "weaknesses"

(On Hold)Spidergirl x male venom chad readerWhere stories live. Discover now