chapter 2: date cut short...or is it?

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You study with the cute nerd Petra and after class is over you go out into the halls and she turns to you and looks nervous.

Petra: hey um y/n
I um this has been nice

Y/n: it has been huh

Petra: I'm honestly surprised you haven't tried anything yet

Y/n: what are you talking about?

Petra: well it's i... I mean well you know...

Y/n: no I don't know

Petra:'s just about flash

Y/n: what about flash

Petra: well he just

Suddenly flash comes around the corner and decides to try and slap her butt, his hand is grabbed and you push it away.

Flash: hey! What's your deal?

Y/n: fuck off flash
Petra's my girl

Flash: your girl?? I don't recall you owning her

Y/n: you slap her ass one more time I'll smack your face
I'm a better quarterback than you in every way, the only reason you're quarterback is because of your dumb nickname

Flash: tch...whatever
I don't feel like ruining a varsity jacket today

He walks away and Petra smiles at you.

Petra: thanks... ^^

Y/n: you want to go out?

Petra: um...right now?

Y/n: well, its lunch time so why not?

Petra: I guess I won't turn down a free meal

You both head over to the marvel comics version of wayback burgers and you sit down and you both eat a larger amount than you reasonably should.

Y/n: I never thought you would eat that much and still be skinny
No wonder other girls are jealous of you

Petra giggles at you.

Petra: yeah, it's just that...
Because of your jacket I thought you'd be like all the others but you're different

Y/n: you thought I would be like flash and the blind followers he calls friends?

Petra: yeah...

Y/n: here's the thing
Flash is what you call
A fake chad, someone who works out to better himself because his appearance is literally all he has
A true chad is a guy who works to better himself but also works to better other people and set a good example for others to follow.
It is...difficult not to let that ego go to your head.
He only wants to date you because he feels threatened by the thought that a woman is so much smarter than him.

Petra: why do you want to date me?

Y/n: well, aside from being straight up adorable. I like your brain as well as your looks. And you're incredibly nice and just warm to be around.

Her face turns red as you just laugh while she covers her face.

News: breaking news, electro has just been spotted and is reeking havoc in times square

Y/n: it's always time square
Check please! Hold it for me I'll be right back I promise!

Petra: I better go

Y/n: me too

You exit the restaurant and you transform into your black spider suit as you head towards time square and swing over there, spidergirl is already on her way over.

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