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You were walking home from NYU or New York University. I don't think I need to say that but you never know. It's been about a few months or so since any serious crimes have occurred. Sure there is the once every 3 hour muggers which is the reason you invested in body armor and a pistol with rubber bullets. You don't like to take lives so you always kept it to non-lethal.

When you were walking home you noticed some thugs trying to pick on and old lady so you decided to go and help her out by just shooting them with rubber bullets, they couldn't even react in time as you knocked them on their asses and go over to help the poor woman.

Y/n: are you all right miss?

Old lady: oh! My goodness gracious!

She looks at the thugs and picks up her things, you help her and she gets across the street just fine.

O.L. : are they dead?

Y/n: no, I used rubber bullets
I don't believe in taking life just to save one

O.L. : oh...well that's a good quality to have
I'll um I'll just be on my way ^^

Y/n: ok, maybe you should call a cab
Safer that way

O.L. : oh I'll be fine now
You be safe too ok young man!

Y/n: ok, I will

You head back and go across a bridge where the street lights flicker and barely work.
It's there that you end up getting jumped yourself, you do the usual shooting and such but then they open fire back and knock you down, by some miracle your vest holds up but it doesn't matter when they lift you up and pin you to the edge.

Thug boss: you're the punk who's been bustin up my guys
I can't have that around here

Y/n: yeah, well if your cronies would just leave well enough alone they wouldn't be where they are now

Thug boss: still tough even though we got you
I admire a boy with balls like that

Y/n: just kill me or let me go bitch

Thug: hey! That's Michelle gargan!
You don't talk to her like that

Y/n: shut up simp

Thug: arrgh!

Michelle: enough...
You have 2 options, join my gang or die
Which one?

You just spit in her face and she wipes it off before smacking you.

Michelle: pity
I kind of liked you

She shoots you in the chest and kicks you over the edge where you fall to your grave in the shallow concrete under the bridge.

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The old lady finally gets to her house and she is exhausted as she sits in her chair and someone else comes in too.

(On Hold)Spidergirl x male venom chad readerWhere stories live. Discover now