1 ~ Family

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Jiwoo was at home with her parents, and her best friend Jungeun. Jiwoo was currently in her room waiting for her dad to cook dinner while Jungeun nagged her mom to have her stay and have a sleepover for the day. Jiwoo would have helped convinced Jungeun but she wanted to find out who followed her recently. She posted a lot on social media so she was excited to see what people thought about her. When she checked her messages, she found a new chat request from someone she didn't recognize the username. She clicked to accept and now...

Chuu's Pov

{New Message from unkown}

[Unkown]: Hey, Do you like strawberries?

Yeah, I love strawberries! :[Jiwoo 🐧]
Btw, who is this? :[Jiwoo 🐧]

[Unkown]: Oh, my name is Sooyoung. I go to the same school as you.

Oh I see :[Jiwoo 🐧]
Do u have any favorite animals? :[Jiwoo 🐧]

[Unkown]: Yup, my favorite is the white swan!

Oh, that cool! :[Jiwoo 🐧]
Mine is the cute penguins! :[Jiwoo 🐧]

Jiwoo 🐧 changed unknown to Sooyoung 🦢

"Jiwoo! Come down for dinner!"

I sighed as I looked at my phone.

I gtg, ttyl bye Sooyoung :[Jiwoo 🐧]

[Sooyoung 🦢]: Okay, it was nice talking to you Jiwoo 😊

I turned my phone off. Who was this? How did they know they went to the same school as me? Wait, what if it's some old crazy man trying to stalk me? I shuddered at the thought.

"Jiwoo! I'm not going to warn you again!" I heard my mom yell. I sprang up from my seat and went downstairs. Mom's yelling was sometimes scary.

I went down the stairs and saw everyone was at the dinner table already. Even Jungeun, who would always volunteer to help with the food and plates, was sitting down.

"Jiwoo, come down and let's eat," dad said as he playfully tapped his knife against a glass of water.

I sighed as I took a seat next to Jungeun, she was secretly on her phone while waiting. I knew all her tricks.

"Did you hear anything from your sister?" Mom asked with a bit of a worried look. I knew why she worried.

Yeojin just turned 16 and was a sophomore in high school, Lately, she has been late in coming home each day. I knew but I couldn't even tell mom or dad, that Yeojin joined a gang.

"Well, I thi-" Mom was cut off when she heard the front door opening to reveal a short Yeojin with bandages and stitches decorating her legs.

"My gosh, sweetie are you okay?" Mom rose from her seat and rushed to Yeojin to make sure she was okay.

Narrator's POV:

Jiwoo felt a bit of pain when she saw her mother rushing to Yeojin. Even though Jiwoo was older, she always thought of herself as less important. She watched as Yeojin was the one being pampered and coddled while Jiwoo didn't get any help when she was struggling in school. Now in secrecy, Jiwoo was the one with the top grades while her sister joined a gang.

Jiwoo pretended to be unaffected by the lack of attention to her. She showed a smile to her sister, knowing that maybe Yeojin is the only one who would understand her in the family. After all, she knew she can't blame Yeojin for being the favorite. It was out of control.

"Why are you home so late? Ah oh well. Come, quickly eat" Her mother sat Yeojin down. She walked to the kitchen and fixed Yeojin a plate for dinner.

When she came back to the table, everyone was on their phones, well almost everyone.

"Aish, you guys always on your phones" Her mother scowled. She tapped her husband on the head with a fork to signal him to put the phones away.

Jiwoo stared as she waited to eat. That was always a rule to her, wait to eat until everyone already had their first bite. Jiwoo stared at the freshly heated plate in front of Yeojin.

Jungeun was the first one to take a bite.

"So Yeo, where were you today?" Jungeun asked while eating. She didn't notice the stare from Jiwoo.

"Oh, well I was just at the library today" Yeojin smiled. "I realized I was reading a book for too long and tried to rush home but," Yeojin stared at her leg. "I tripped, causing me to have to get stitched up by one of the workers there" Yeojin chuckled.

Jungeun raised an eyebrow. "There was a worker that helped you? They stitched you up because you tripped?" Jungeun stared at her plate for a bit. "They must be nice then," She said with a grin. Yeojin nodded.

Mom started eating.

"So dad, how was your day?" Jiwoo asked while waiting.

"It was fine, just another regular day" her father started slicing his steak. He stopped to take a sip.

Even though Yeojin is the one they focus on, her dad at least tried to show Jiwoo a bit of his attention and how he cared about her. It was comforting.

"How about you sweetie? Saw you were excited when you ran to your room" Her dad said before taking a bite of meat.

"Oh me? Well, I was just excited to meet someone who requested to chat with me" Jiwoo smiled. "Not sure why though" Jiwoo looked down at her food, pondering about the unknown person. Jiwoo looked back up, not starting at anyone in particular. "Well, I did find out they go to the same high school as me" She smiled.

"Ah, that's nice to hear" Dad started eating his dinner. Jiwoo looked at Yeojin as she started to eat her food.

"Well I for one, have a story to tell" Jungeun raised her hand with food in her mouth. Jiwoo sighed with a smile, as she knew Jungeun always had a story to tell when she came over.

Jiwoo picked up her utensils and started eating.

Heyo~ it me! Okay okay, this is my first time writing Chuuves so I might not know everything about them. Yes, Loona is included. This a still a work in progress, obviously, so I hope you will bear with me :)
Anyway thank you for reading this...byeee ~

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