IV. The Devil Works Hard but Rosalie...

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Angelo looked up at me, noticing my demeanor had changed. The entire room was silent; Even chatty Cane was hush.

"You can't wish for something that's already going to happened, principessa," Marco broke the silence. I could've sworn I heard Cane whisper "nice".

Sofi gasped.

"Mama, did you hear that?"

"Zhara, wait. Did you tell her to say that," Cane said with a laugh, one that was echoed a little quieter by Marco.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes, focusing on helping Angelo pour the flour.

"Where's your brother," Marco asked. Angelo wiped the flour from his hands and stepped down from the stool, walking over to where Sofi was. "Principe?"

"Qui," Angelo said quietly. Sofi scooted over onto another chair so he could get on the one directly in front of the phone. (T: here)

"If you had one wish, what would it be?"

"Binocolo," he replied.

I tilted my head to the side.


"Really," asked Marco, who sounded just as confused.

"Yes, daddy," Angelo said confidently.

"Okay, bud. As you wish. Sofi, did you think of something else?"

"A firecracker," she said. I fought the urge to laugh, but Cane didn't bother trying.

"Called it," he said.

"No. A jump rope. No! Pom poms. No, wait. A basketball. I gotta start practicing now," she told him.

"Is that your final answer," Marco asked, humour in his voice.

"Yes, daddy," she replied, seemingly content with her answer.

"Simple kids, man. That's a blessing," Cane told Marco.

"Listen, it's getting late and we fly early tomorrow so we'll call you when we land," Marco said.

"Bye," the twins said together. I wiped the flour from my hands and waved him and Cane goodbye.

The evening consisted of us making cookies, and me putting them to sleep.

I was now sitting in bed, pen in my mouth, as I went through the pages Marco sent. When I neared the end, and the clock read 5 am, I calculated all the numbers I'd made note of.

"What the heck," I mumbled. I re-calculated, clicking the keys slower.

It was 11am—ish in Italy right about now so I called up Marco.

"Amore, you're up early."


Marco POV

"Yeah, I was just looking the pages you sent last night and somethings not adding up."

I pressed the phone against my ear to hear; Cane and I were on the jet and the T.V. Was set way too loud.

"Cane, turn it down," I whispered. He looked at me lazily and lowered the volume.

"What's not adding up?"

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