V. An Eye for A Lie

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A/N: To anyone that's upset, I am too. But please stop bombarding my inbox. I explained on my message board what it is going on. I can't import all the chapters at once without it freezing or loading 1% at a time. I've found that it's better to upload 2 at a time so just be patient. I'm sorry about this.

Zhara POV

"She's the gift that keeps on giving," I said. Marco had just informed me of Rosalies parting gift to me: an illegal account, hosting illegal money, for an illegal organization. Poetic, really.

"I'm so sorry for putting you through this... again," Marco said. I tucked the phone between my shoulder and ear as I washed the dishes.

"I've had chances to walk away..." I trailed off. He understood the implication and I could hear the smile in his words.

"I'm glad you stayed," he whispered.

"If you guys are talking about what I think you're talking about, cut it out," Cane yelled drowsily.

"He's been like this since we arrived yesterday," Marco informed me.

"It's the drugs," Cane voiced.

"So what are you guys going to do about it," I asked Marco.

"I've already told Ortega to close the account. He'll confirm it with me once it's done."

"And what about the money? How do I explain where the money went?"

"Charity. People always eat that shit up," said Cane.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there, I suppose," Marco said.

"We're already at the bridge."

"The account hasn't been closed yet. Until then, we wa—." He went silent and I checked phone to see if he was still on the line.

"Ah shit," he groaned. "Damn it."

"What? Is it your chest again? Did she give you—."

"No, no. Ortega just texted. The account was opened under Mooran Financing Co. So I can't close it," he groaned. I closed my eyes and released a deep breath.

"If Rosalie died, the money should've gone to a beneficiary," I thought outloud. "So either he's a beneficiary or—."

"Or Rosalie gave him complete control of the money. Again, unlike her. Very. I'm going to say he's ben—."

"What's the company again," I asked, making note of it.

"Mooran Financing Co."

"Moooooo," howled Cane. I examine the word I'd just written.

"Moo... ran. Marco," I said, realizing. "Mooran spells Romano. The letters are just mixed up. How creative."

"Should've just been men about it and kept it simple," Cane said.

"Too bad we already know who they are. Again, Rosalies completely gone off her usual snarky track," Marco added.

"I'm starting to think she knew she was going to die so she didn't really prep anything. She just focused on helping the Romano's. Your families demise is enough for her," I offered. The line was quiet as he pondered it.

"She was trying to take you down with her. It was a Hail Mary," Cane commented.

"Hail Mary," I asked.

"He means she did it quickly and desperately."

"It took us four years to plan the attack on you guys— but that's only because I urged her to get started. She wanted to take longer. She had so much planned man. So much. She just—just lived and breathed planning destruction," Cane said tiredly.

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