VIII. Pinky Promise

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Rinnnnng! Rinnnnng!

I groaned as I clicked the snooze on my alarm. I could not even fathom getting up let alone going to work. Marcos 'sweet tooth' ached almost every hour and now I was dealing with the bellyache.

I snuggled closer to the confines of his chest and his hold tightened in his sleep.

He's so warm.

I turned around so my back was no longer to him, our chests close together. Through the balcony's sliding doors, I could see a faint glow in the sky's horizon signaling the suns arrival very soon. I closed
my eyes and and went back to sleep.

Rinnnng! Rinnnng!

Marco groaned and reached over me to turn off the alarm.

"Tesoro," he called me gently. I refused to open my eyes, hoping work would somehow complete itself today. He tried to tickle me, but that didn't work.

"What time is it," I asked him.

"6:15." Was

I pouted on his chest, placing kisses on the hard surface.

" I can drive you," he offered. I accepted, but continued to play there. He disappeared from my and returned 10 mins later. His arms carried me too the bathroom I felt the warmth of the bath water at my toes.

"Mmm," I couldn't help but moan, it was perfect. He joined me, pulling me to him. His lips caressed my collar bone, the base of my neck, and the spot beneath ears.

"Tease," I whispered, closing my eyes. He tilted my neck with a push of his fingers to gain more access. His kisses—and the nice bath—revived me.

I kissed him back, our tongues intertwining. My ass fell victim to his hands once again, and this time I could've sworn he was leaving bruises.

"Tooth ache," he whispered against my lips.

"No," I pulled away with a giggle. His eyes shown mischievously as his hand slid between my legs.

"Just a little kickstart for the day," he said absently, his eyes canvasing my rising and falling chest. I bit my lip when two fingers slipped inside me.

The warmth of his mouth engulfed my erect nipples and my head fall back. His tongue left a wet trail up my chest and onto the crook of my neck where he decided to leave his mark.

His fingers twisted masterfully inside of me and I soon found myself desperately riding them. He slipped in a third and placed his thumb on my clit, adding a burst of pleasure to my hip rocking.

When he finished leaving his mark, he gently pushed me to the other side of the bathtub so my back was to the cool edge. He placed my legs on both his shoulders and stared in amazement at the glow the sunrise left on my dripping skin.

Marco pulled out his fingers and cleaned them off before leaning in and having his way with my clit.

"Marco," I moaned, my fingers tugging at the hair on the nape of his neck. His tongue lapped up my juices at my entrance before his lips closed onto to my bud.

The moans and groans coming from the two of us bounced off the walls. My eyes fluttered shut as I felt my orgasm building up. I had started riding his face and was now slipping back into the water, so I rested my elbows on the ledge and pulled myself up.

"FUCK," I shouted. My head lolled and my eyes rolled back as Marco pushed three fingers in and out of me while sucking my pulsing clit. Marcos hungry eyes looking up at me was the last push off the edge I needed.

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