My Shot

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Okay, so here are the facts.

Kicking a child out of your house to sleep on the streets is, in most circumstances, ilegal. And having that child be a temporary foster child makes it, if possible, even more ilegal. However, Jay was at high risk of hurting the MacDell family again, and Kimberly had suffered a blood nose from his attacks. As well as that, Jay was, in Kimberly's words, "Corrupting her children's minds". So they certainly couldn't keep Jay in the house, but they couldn't keep him out of it either. When Matthew and Edward told him leave, he left, but it would become a serious legal case if they didn't let him back in before sundown. 

Jay wasn't thinking about any of this, just about his heart. Jay had experienced heartbreak before, but nothing had hurt him as hard as this. It was only a few hours ago when Jay and Matthew had had their first kiss, oh, how it was a magical moment. And it was only a few minutes ago when Matthew looked him in the eyes and said to him: "Just leave. I never wanted you here in the first place". Oh, how Jay missed the time when Kimberly was a sweet mother towards him, it was only when he came out as bi that the nastiness began. Perhaps Matthew was right, he had torn the family apart. If he'd kept his mouth shut about Matthew's identity and his own identity, perhaps he would still be the cute new temporary sibling; playing games with his brothers, laughing with his sisters, getting hugs and embraces from Kimberly and even perhaps he and Matthew could have had a relationship in secret. If it weren't for him, Jay realised, Kimberly and Matthew wouldn't have had that fight, and Matt's baby would still be alive. 

Oh no, he had killed Matthew's baby.

His head racing with these thoughts, not even looking where he was going, Jay bumped into a stroller. He jumped in shock, "Oh my G-d, I am so sorry". The man pushing the stroller just chuckled, It's okay, these things happen. Where are you headed?"

The man pushing the stroller had long curly hair and freckles, and the man next to him had his arm wrapped around the other man's shoulder. They must be gay, Jay thought.

"Uh, erm, nowhere", Jay said, "Just....strolling".

He felt tears well up in his eyes. Was it just him, or did speaking make containing emotions ten times harder. He couldn't help it, he burst into tears right in front of these two strangers. Well, three, if he counted the baby.

The second man, who had a bob of thick black hair, approached Jay gently.

"There there".

"They hate me!", Jay cried, "They all hate me!"

"Shhh, relax honey", the bobbed man beckoned, crouching down slightly to look Jay in the eyes.

"I'm Alexander", he said, "And this is John, and we are going to help you. You just have to take a few breaths and explain to us what is going on".

Jay rubbed his eyes, sighed , and took a few breaths.

"There, that's better. Now, what can we help you with?"

Jay opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. John crouched down beside Alexander, "It's okay buddy, take your time". 

Damn. When adults say that, it always means they're in a hurry, am I right?

Jay inhaled and cleared his throat, "My foster family hates me. The mummy hated me first but now everyone else hates me. My best friend hates me too and I love him so much! They kicked me out of the house, and now I have no family". 

Jay was getting a little teary, but managed to hold it back.

The two men looked immensely concerned.

"Oh honey", John said, "That is a very difficult situation. I'll ring the police, and if push comes to shove, you can sleep over at our place for the night".

Jay would usually be excited about this ofter, but now, all he felt was pain. 

"Thanks", he sniffled. 

After a while of pacing in a circle, John hung up his phone and put it in his pocket. 

"Okay, so the police say that if the family hates you, it is probably not safe for you to go back. They say that we need to bring you in to the police station nearby to sort out some things. You'll probably be staying with us for the night".

Jay nodded, and they walked together to the police station. The police recognised him as Jay Bilzerian, temporarily fostered by Edward and Kimberly MacDell, and rang the two parents. The police and Edward agreed that it was better for Jay to stay with Alexander and John for the night. A few documents were signed, and Jay was set free. 

John and Alexander's house was rather small and smelt strongly of baking bread. The first thing the men did was hang their coats up.

"So, who's the little one?", Jay asked. 

"Oh sorry, we haven't introduced you too little Philip yet", said Alexander, picking the baby out of the stroller.

"Are you a...a gay couple?", Jay asked.

The two men laughed, "Yes, but Alex is bisexual".

Jay nodded, "Uh, thanks by the way".

"Don't thank us yet!", said John, "We still don't know where you'll be sleeping!"

The two men, Philip in Alexander's arms, led Jay down the hallway. 

"Uh, John, I think this will work", Alexander announced, stopping by the laundry room. It was actually quite large for a laundry room, with plenty of space by the washing machine. The room was also on a slight slope, the back slightly higher than the front.

"But what about our washing?", John pointed out.

"I guess we won't be washing tonight", Alexander said, "This is the perfect spot for a mattress".

"Uh, guys, you don't have to be so fancy with me", Jay stuttered, "For a lot of time at the MacDell house I slept on the couch".

The two men looked at each other, looked at Jay, and laughed.

"The couch, no way! Let's load a mattress in here!".

That night for dinner, the three of them had potatoes and green beans, which Jay gobbled up in a second. 

"Wow, Iv'e never seen a child so enthusiastic about vegetables", John remarked.

"I, uh, I grew up on fast food", Jay admitted, "Vegetables, are, uh, a luxury".

Alexander put a hand to his heart, "Wow, what a sentiment for someone so young". Jay honestly hadn't believed he'd said it either.

For dessert, the three ate ice cream, before leading Jay into the laundry room. Alexander arranged the mini bed and the mattress, which looked very comfortable, and Jay jumped in there to sleep. He hadn't believed it was bed time already, it seemed like the events of the morning happened less than a minute ago. Jay hadn't spoken much, as he was still sad and broken. However, he had to admit it, John, Alexander and Philip were very good company.

"Good night Jay", Alexander said, patting Jay on the shoulder, "And remember, don't throw away your shot".

Jay was too exhausted to question what that meant. As soon as he shut his eyes, he slept. 

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