I Love You

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My dearest Matthew,

"Remember to pu the comma after dearest", Alexander said, "Than he'll know your a keeper".

Alexander was taking a very different approach to John, suggesting that Jay try and make up with Matthew instead of forgetting about him. Alexander claimed that he was the master of wooing people through strongly worded letters, so now he was passing on his genius to Jay.

Jay took a deep breath in, and resumed writing.

My dearest, Matthew

I get it, you hate me right now.

"Awful way to start a letter", Alexander commented, "That makes you look desperate. Romantic interests don't like desperateness, it makes them feel violated. Start with something chill instead".

"Like what?"

"Like, I dunno, a subtle compliment. You don't want to get to big stuff, because he does hate you right now, but just write something genuine that anyone could say to him".

I like your clothes, they suit you. But that is not what I am here to write about.

"Very good, go on".

Jay was about to put his pen back to the paper, when he noticed a particularly intriguing bird outside the window. Alexander noticed the boy's lack of focus.

"Uh, Jay?"

"Yes", Jay said, not looking away from the bird. It was so fat, it kind of cracked Jay up a bit.

"You took your medication about two minutes ago. How long does it take for it to-"

"About an hour".

Alexander sighed, "Great, than maybe you should be writing later"

"Oh, sorry", Jay said, flipping his head back, "I got distracted".

Alexander nodded, "I could see that. Look-"

"Guys!", John came prancing into the room with a smile as if he'd just won the lottery, "I just got a call from the police, there is a family willing to take Jay in permanently!"

Jay felt a little taken aback by the statement: why would such a family be so hard to find? Why did he phrase it like that? And most importantly, why was John so happy about getting rid of him?

"Who?", Alexander asked.

"Your not gonna believe this, the MacDell's! They want him back!"

Jay's ears shot up, "What?!"

"Seems like that bitch mum that you were talking about had a change of heart!"

"John, language!", Alexander snapped.

"Oh, sorry", Joh said sheepishly, lowering his voice.

"You should be John", Alexander said, "We don't want baby Philip's first word to be-"

"BITCH!", came a loud cracky voice from down the hallway. 

Alexander sighed, "Jo-ohn".

"Erm, sorry", John said.

Alexander sighed again, "It's fine".

"Uh, guys", Jay said, "We're getting a little sidetracked. I want to know more about the MacDell situation".

Yes, Matthew stole his mother's phone. But in all honesty, that wasn't that bad in itself, at least he didn't break it like she did to his. 

Yes, Matthew had imitated his mother's voice. It was easy, he had the acting talents of a star. 

Yes, Matthew had called the cops pretending to be his mother. And yes, he had asked for Jay back, except this time, permanently. 

And yes, Matthew didn't know what was to happen next. But he didn't care. He didn't care if his mother killed him for this. He didn't care at all, he just wanted Jay back. 

But what had changed his mind?

A call, a simple phone call. That one call had changed everything. Jay wasn't trying to ruin Matthew's family so that his mother could accept him as bisexual. No, Jay only did all that stuff so that Kimberly would except her own biological son, Matthew. Everything Jay had done was for Matthew. And proof of all this, one statement: I FUCKING LOVE YOU!

He sat on his bed, rocking back and fourth, almost holding his breath as he hung up the phone. He didn't feel guilty, just afraid. Afraid of what his parents would do to him not if, but when, they found out. The phone vibrated once again, and Matthew took a deep breath before answering.

"Jay wishes to speak to you first", a man on the other side of the phone said, "I will pass the dial over to him".

"K-Kim?", Jay's voice quivered from the other end of the line.

Matthew knew he had to improvise, what would his mother do? He let out an exaggerated sigh, "Are the police on this call?".

"Yes ma'am", the police man said, "Would you like some privacy?"

"Yes", Matthew replied, like his mother would, "Be a dear and give us a minute".

A beep came from the other line. Matthew took a deep breath in, "Jay".

He heard Jay gasp, "M-Matthew?"

"Yes Jay, it's me. I'd like to apologise for what I said, all of it. It was very wrong of you to hit my mum but-"

"Wait, you pretended to be your mum while talking to the police?"

Silence. Than an all too familiar, and dare he say, adorable, chuckle came from the other end of the line.

"That's fucking awesome Matt! I didn't know you cared that much!"

"I do", Matthew said, "We had a misunderstanding but...please come home. I don't care what my mother says or does. I-"

Matthew felt a crack in his voice, and tears welling up in his eyes.

"Are you cry-"

"No!", Matthew barked, "I just, uh, I, I love you. I love you too Jay. Your smile, your laugh. The way you tried to eduacate my mum, your sexy ass body, all of it!"

"Uh-oh. That's what Pam said before she broke up with me". 

Matthew chuckled, "No silly, I'm not breaking up with you, wer'e geting back togerther! That's if...you'll have me".

There were two seconds of silence, before Jay inhaled a breath and-

"Has anyone seen my phone?", Kimberly cried frustrtedely from the other end of the house.


"Sorry", Matthew said, "I gotta go. Bye Jay".

He hung up.

Five minutes later, Matthew was lying on his bed, staring at the sky. That was when his mother walked in. No, stormed in. To be honest, she looked like she was gonna blow.

"Matthew, I just got a call from the cops..."

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