Sleeping and Playing

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"This is where I'm sleeping?", Jay asked, pointing to the mattress on the floor beside Matthew's bed.

"Hey, don't complain", Matthew warned, a stern look in his eye.

"But you have a double bed!", Jay exclaimed.

"Hey", Matthew said, "I'm not any more happy that your here than you are to be here".

Jay rolled his eyes, "Irrelevant. Why don't we share your bed?".

Matthew almost choked on thin air, "Wh-what?"

"Well", Jay began, "It's a double bed, so theres room for both of us".

Matthew just stared at him. Jay: what a strange an unusual being. He looked deep into the boys deep brown eyes for a hint of mischief, but none was there. This little fucker was being genuine.

"No way!", Matthew remarked, "You are sleeping on the floor mattress, that's final". Matthew flopped on to his bed, letting out a long, exaggerated sigh. Jay just sat down on his little mattress, humming to himself.

"Can I take a number six in your-"

"No!", Matthew cried swiftly, shooting up, "In the toilet Jay, in the toilet!"

"Man!", Jay complained, "Lighten up a little, jeez".

Jay sat beside Kimberly near the head of the table that night for dinner. He was sitting opposite Jeremy, who was kicking his knees from under the table. Jay kicked back, and everyone else was completely oblivious to the full on leg-war taking place under their very own noses. Matthew sat at the other end of the table, between Edward and his sister Zoe. 

"Wow, this food is amazing", Jay remarked, munching on the asparagus sticks at the corner of his plate.

"See", Kimberly said, looking down at the four younger ones, "Jay eats his vegetables".

"But he doesn't use his cutlery!", little Alana remarked, picking up on how he used his fingers to shove the food down his throat.

"Well", Kimberly commented, "I guess he will have to learn, won't he".

"I'm just happy he's not eating fast food tonight", Edward remarked merrily.

Jay nodded, "Oh yeah, I second that. This is so much better than the McNuggets I usually have every night".

All of the little kids eyes widened, and Jeremy stopped kicking for a second, "Wait, you had McNuggets every night?".

"Y-yeah", Jay replied, not used to this reaction, "Well, almost every night. I also had pizza and shit".

All the kids laughed. Alana giggled, "You said a naughty word!"

"Oh, sorry", Jay said, a little embarrassed.

"It's okay Jay, but we don't tolerate that language in this household", Kimberly stated, a warm expression on her face, "Now, after dinner, Jay said that he wanted to perform a magic trick for us!"

Matthew couldn't help but groan and role his eyes: of course he did. Michael's cheeks lit up, "You do magic?"

Jay flashed him a sexy wink, "Some of the best".

Matthew rolled his eyes again. Kimberly noticed, and glared at him. He just shrugged back. 

"Now", Jay said, "How about you all look under your plates".

Kimberly just shrugged with a smile and lifted her plate up. She let out an obviously faked gasp of awe. "Wow!", she remarked, taking out a white slip of paper, "It says Mummy!"

Jeremy took his out and laughed, "Strong Feet".

Jay just chuckled, "Heck yeah! Those kicks hurt buddy!"

Jeremy laughed. Wow, Matthew had no idea that Jay was so good with children. I mean, where on Earth would he get it from?

"Dorothy Plaits!", Alana remarked with a smile, twisting her hair around her finger.

Michael jumped up on his chair, holding his paper triumphantly in the air, "Dinosaur!"

Edward took his out and chuckled, "Daddy Eddy. I like it."

Zoe looked at hers, tilting her head to the side, "Short".

Matthew snorted, actually snorted. Guess Jay wasn't so good with kids after all. 

"It's the truth", Jay said with a shrug.

Zoe just stared at him for a second, before grinning, "Your crazy".

"How bout you Matthew?", Kimberly prompted, pointing at his plate. Oh boy. Matthew lifted his plate up, and picked up the thin scrap of paper with his fingernails, as if it were infected with cooties. He read Jay's squiggly handwriting, "Snazzy?"

Jay nodded, "Yeah! Your always so snazzy so-"

"I am not", Matthew interrupted, looking directly up at Edward, "He's just messing with me".

"Messing with you?", Jay asked, "You think I like you?"

Matthew's jaw dropped. "Wh-what are you talking about?"

"What are YOU talking about?", Jay shot back, "Doesn't your father know your snazzy?".

Edward raised an eyebrow at his son. Matthew stood up, loudly may I add, and slammed his fists on the the table, "Okay, thats it, I'm outta here!"

Later that night, around eight o-clock, Jay sat in front of the TV playing video games with Jeremy and Michael. Jay was winning, and let out a series of triumphant whoops. When the screen announced that he had come in first, he jumped in the air in triumph, and the other two boys smiled at him.

"You know, Matthew never did this stuff with us", Jeremy said.

"Your a pro!", Michael added.

"Oh, you know Matt", Jay said, "All weird and sissy"

"I know right!", both boys remarked at once. The two looked at each other, smiled, said jinx in sync, and burst out laughing. Jay laughed too.

Kimberly walked into the room, a smile of delight one her face, "I'm so glad you guys are getting along", she said. She turned to Jay, "Thank you for playing with them, I know they can be a little chaotic at times". Jay just grinned, "Pleasure, Kimberly mummy". Kimberly beamed. How could anyone possibly mistreat this boy, he was so sweet! 

Ok", Kimberly said, "Boys, it's time for bed".

"But muuuum", Michael whined, "I'm not tired".

Kimberly just smiled, "Okay than. Let me rephrase that. Bed time now, or it's the tickle monster!"

Both boys squealed, and ran to their shared room instantly. Jay just looked confused, "The tickle monster, what's that?"

Kimberly just grinned down at Jay and started tickling his little tummy. He shrieked before collapsing into a giggle fit. Kimberly smiled and stopped, "Thats what the tickle monster is". Jay just smiled up at her, and occupied himself with playing cards for the rest of the evening. Jeez, it was lovely to be apart of such a loving family.

That night, Jay lay awake on his mattress. "Matthew?", he whispered. Matthew was snoring. "Matthew!", he said, shaking the boys leg.


"I can't sleep"


Matthew tossed over in the bed. 

"Can I sleep with you?", Jay asked.

Half asleep, Matthew mumbled, "Sure".

Jay smiled and hopped in beside him, snuggling himself under Matthew's covers, "Thank  you".

Matthew was snoring again.

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