Jay School

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Jay had been educated.

He now knew of the ways of the MacDell family, and now knew what he could and couldn't do. Yet, as much as he loved Kimberly Mummy, he couldn't help himself from stuffing up, meaning that he had to suffer the consequences.

Jay got a text from Nick: "Andrew and I are hanging out in my pool. Wanna come?"

Jay sighed: "Sorry, grounded"

Jay had never been grounded art his old house. It was like being a prisoner, in an amazing prison with a loving family. He was only grounded for the day for now, but he wasn't sure how long it would be before he stuffed something up again and received another sentance.

Jay was sleeping in the little boy's room now, on a mattress next to Michael's bed. Matthew had literally kicked him out, and even his mother couldn't get Jay back in that room. When Matt kicks you out, Matt kicks you out. 

Michael smiled at Jay, leaning over in his bed, "Who are you texting?"

Jay looked up at him: those young, innocent, ungrounded eyes. "Just a friend from school".

Michael seemed curious. He jumped off his bed and sat beside Jay. Jay shuffled a bit to make room for the small boy on the mattress. "Can you read me the conversation?", he asked. 

"What? Why?"

"I'm just interested. Matthew never hangs out with guys around here, he's too sissy. I want to know what eighth grade boys are like".

Jay didn't want to read the texts but.....oh....curse that boy's puppy dog eyes! He sighed, "Okay, just a little bit". Michael nodded, "M'kay, I wanna hear all the gossip!" 

Jay took a breath and began reading. (Please excuse his contact names).

ShortSassauge: Are u free tomorrow?

You: Nah, grounded

ShortSassauge: You say that every time. Are you avoiding me?

You: No, I'm telling the truth. I swear on something!

ShortSassauge: Lol, swear on your pillows.

You: Haven't unpacked them yet. I swear on my bi-ness

"Wait", Michael interrupted, "What is your bi-ness?"

"Oh", Jay said, "Like, my bisexual-ness"

"What do you mean?", Michael asked.

Jay was confused for a second, and than remembered that Michael was only young.

"Well, see kid, bisexual means that I can fall involve with both boys and girls".

"Ewww!", Michael remarked, "Don't say that to mum, you'll be grounded for years!"


Michael stood up and stomped on Jay's mattress to make his point, "Boys loving boys is a sin. The worst thing you can do in this house is hurt Jesus!"

"What? Who says liking boys is a sin?"


Jay just shook his head slowly, and gently patted Michael back down beside him, "Well, I guess your mum needs to be taught to".

"What do you mean?"

"Well", Jay explained, "I'm kind of offended that she makes me learn all these rules when she thinks that Matthew and I are sins!"

"Wait", Michael said, "Matthew likes boys too?"

Jay was about to say something, when he stopped himself. No, he couldn't come out for another person. Maybe this was why Matthew was so bitchy all the time, he was afraid at home. Afraid of what his family would think if he came out. No, this was an act of injustice. And it was up to super Jay, or rather, Mr.Bilzerian, to give Kimberly Mummy her own dose of education.

"No, Matthew's not gay", Jay said, "But I sure as hell am bi. And I won't tolerate this bullshit another second!"

Michael gasped at the language, "Jay, you just broke a rule!"

Jay stood up, "I knew I fucking did little one. And I will be breaking more and more until Kimberly Mummy listens to her teacher".

With that, Jay left the room. As soon as he vanished, Michael said aloud, "I hope he's taken his medication".

Kimberly was in the kitchen, making pancakes. Jay's nose ached at the smell: oh, how he longed for all that milky eggy goodness. No, stay focused. Kimberly's hair was tied in a messy bun above her head. Jay took a deep breath, and walked in, trying to hide his anger.

"Kimberly Mummy, welcome to Jay School!", he announced with great enthusiasm. 

"Jay school?", Kimberly questioned with a chuckle, "What's Jay School?"

Jay fake laughed, but trust me, it sounded damn real: "Well, your about to find out! Open wide, come inside, it's Ja- wait, I just realised how fu...weirded up that line is."

"Good boy Jay!", Kimberly remarked, but unlike Jay, she wasn't so good at pretending, "Your controlling your urges! I'm proud of you!"

Kimberly did a little twirl in her apron, "So, where is Jay School honey?"

"Here", Jay said, "Right here, right now. And call me Mr.Bilzerian".

Kimberly chuckled, "Can it wait until later?"

"The fuck? No!", Jay cried out. Oopsies, he'd cracked. Kimberly shook her head at him, "Jay, I don't like your language or your tone"

Jay stomped, okay, no more pretending. Time to unleash the monster.

"It's Mr.Bilzerian to you Kimberly bitch! And I'm here to teach you a lesson or two about same sex fucking!"

Kimberly gasped and urgently ushered Jay to quite down, dreading the thought that her darling angels could be exposed to such language.

Kimberly took a breath in, "Homosexuality is a sin Jay. Now go to your room, and we'll have a discussion about this later".

Jay took a breath in too, still furious, but trying not to lash out again: "But it's not a sin Kimberly, that is the whole point of Jay School. To teach you that homosexuality is okay".

Kimberly opened her mouth to speak, but Jay wasn't finished:

"You are always telling me to behave myself in this house, and to respect everyone. But by teaching your young children that certain identities are wrong, you are showing one of the strongest signs of disrespect. What if one of them turns out to be gay? They'll think they have nobody to love them!"

Kimberly opened her mouth again, but Jay continued: 

"I am bisexual, and that is not a bad thing. And if you won't except me because of that, than you are in the wrong. In other words, DON'T BE SUCH A BITCH ASS MOTHER TO YOUR CHILDREN!!! THEY NEED SOMEBODY SUPPORTING THEM!"

With that, he ran out of the room, in tears. 

Little did he know, Matthew had heard the whole thing.

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