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genre: like 20% angst, and smut.

"huang renjun-- for the last time, i'm not fucking you."

renjun whines at the answer, and stomps his feet in a tantrum. "c'mon! you know i can only trust myself with you!" renjun pulls at jaemin's sleeve. jaemin huffs, and finally turns around to meet the boy that to him, seemed snack-sized.

"renjun. you. are. my. best. friend." jaemin says slowly. "so, the answer is still no." jaemin sternly says. "best friend? you didn't seem to care about that last time." renjun says through gritted teeth.

jaemin's eyes avert renjun's. jaemin walks away from the boy, rubbing his temples in frustration.

renjun slumps down to the floor in annoyance. 'am i not pretty enough? i don't get it!'
he thinks to himself.

that's how things have been going, renjun's been getting horny, EXTREMELY horny, especially now that his heat was coming up. might seem like a weird argument for two best friends, but they've got some history on the topic.

you see, it's been a month now since jaemin's rut. goddamn, that was a night to remember. renjun closes his eyes for a brief moment to remember that night's events.

renjun remembers jaemin's girlfriend being away that night, and though jaemin remembers that night as a horrible experience, renjun knows that he enjoyed it, as he did too.

renjun's eyes remain closed, and he can only whimper at the details he was remembering from that night, hoping to experience them again. jaemin stops once he got to his apartment, weaving his hands through his hair.

that damned night, jaemin's rut came crashing in on him unexpectedly, and so badly, that he didn't have time to call his girlfriend. jaemin needed to give in to that feeling. and give into it he did.

that night, without thinking twice, he crashed his lips against his best friend's. jaemin closes his eyes while thinking of that wretched night. that wretched but damned sweet night.

he remembered touching renjun, bathing in pleasure as renjun tasted his body with such fervor that he could only return the favor, with just as much passion. jaemin remembered how vulnerable his best friend looked in between his outstretched knees, and how good he looked when he was bent over, ready to take his c--

"what the fuck!" jaemin yells, banging his clenched fists against the wooden table. he knew. jaemin knew how selfish he was, how selfish it was that his best friend helped him throughout his rut.

helped him with the breakup.

told him that it wasn't his fault when it was.

jaemin was selfish because now, he was single, and able to help that same boy with his arriving heat, but chose not to. chose not to, because he'd gained feelings that he wanted to ignore. feelings that he wouldn't be able to push away if he ended up giving renjun what he wanted.

"such a fucking idiot." jaemin whispered to himself, he didn't know what to do, help renjun, and force himself to push his feelings aside? let his best friend suffer alone?

jaemin pulled at his hair, the sensation feeding his already growing headache.


jaemin was fucked up for not helping renjun. he knows this. as heartless as he seemed in renjun's eyes at the moment, jaemin still cared for renjun, although more than he should.

jaemin sighs deeply when he finds himself in front of renjun's house. with spare keys in his hands, jaemin finally unlocks the freshly painted door, and takes steps into renjun's house. "renjun?" jaemin calls out, "i'm here to help."

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 ; 𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐦𝐢𝐧-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now