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genre: angst? fluff? beats me.

"renjunnieee you're always so mean!" donghyuck pouts, voice loud and whiny as he clings to renjun's shirt. "hyuck, kindly shut up, i'm writing an essay!" renjun grits back, typing furiously against his poor keyboard.

"you know, he's right, you're so unkind, injunnie," jaemin teases, leaning in close so he's inevitably bursting renjun's bubble of space. "you're so annoying! shut up jaemin." renjun's voice goes up a notch.

"oh c'mon injun! loosen up! (guys actually shut up don't think something different🧍🏻‍♀️) "yes! let's play a game!" chenle loudly proposes, jeno's eyes lighting up in adoration as he watched the excited boy.

renjun shuts his computer off, and he finally faces the 6 other men in his bedroom, begrudgingly nodding. the dreamies make noises of excitement and some (hyuck) exaggerate a bewildered look at renjun's agreement.

as renjun leans his face into the palm of his hand, he speaks; "so? what are we playing exactly?" a few members' faces begin morphing to a thinking expression, and renjun should've known they'd try to take him away from his study time before even thinking of a game.

renjun sighs impatiently, and jeno shoots him a fake glare. "i know!" donghyuck says, obnoxiously loud for the close proximity they have. renjun pretends not to hear him, "anyone? no? okay, work time it is!" renjun gives a fake 'sweet smile.'

jeno chokes back a laugh, and donghyuck throws renjun's pencil at him. "i exist you know! anyway. why don't you give us all compliments~" hyuck wiggles his brows, and chenle immediately squeaks in agreement.

"oh c'mon! unfair!" renjun groans loudly in his spinny chair, but the members all about in agreement. "c'mon junnie! we're waiting!" jaemin urges— and maybe he doesn't truly care about what the smaller would say to his members, because his heartbeat resounded so loudly throughout the room, that his chest physically hurt.

a compliment from jaemin? to him? a true blessing. as overdramatic as that may sound, renjun's always been the coldest towards him, and jaemin'd be damned to pass this opportunity up, be praised by his love.

"—yeah. oh, shut up mark! and hyuck.. you're pretty annoying. you never do the dishes. you always leave your laund—" hyuck yells out a high-pitched noise of annoyance, "c'mon!! this is a praise game, not a 'name everything bad donghyuck's done in his life' game!"

renjun rolls his eyes, but a fond smile appears nonetheless. "fine. and maybe you're the mood maker in the room, and maybe just maybe you're a little cute." renjun grumbles.

"GUYS HE COMPLIMENTED ME?!" donghyuck dramatically falls over renjun's figure in slow motion, the other members also dramatically clapping, some wiping fake tears. renjun flushes— "shut it! i'm done!"

"nope. you forgot me, pretty boy," jaemin grins, interrupting donghyuck's moment of spotlight.
renjun groans loudly (again? for the nth time?), and jaemin's everlasting smile falters just a little.

"c'mon injunnie, i'm a tad impatient," jaemin jokes, but renjun doesn't smile. "you're also annoying. you never leave me alone. you're too loud."

jaemin's heart clenches, but of course, his smile stays up. he shouldn't be expecting too much. "and?" jaemin says, expectantly.

"why're you here again?" renjun's eyes suddenly glue themselves to his large computer, while jaemin's never leave his side.

"rude. i'm here because i was invited??" jaemin replies. "well, you can leave now," renjun's voice sternly states, and then, silence.

the two may have been in their own world for a minute because it's only when mark awkwardly clears his throat that jaemin realizes he's not alone with renjun.

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