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requested by renjurin !!
^thats so cute and i'm v late but i had to
top(j) btm (and in moments something near a power bottom?? more of a regular btm tho i think) (r)
genre: smut ;D

a tease. provocative. cheeky. they all describe a certain someone-- renjun. out of all the people on earth, despite such a personality, such traits, he ended up dating a possessive, easily jealous, and protective boyfriend, jaemin.

goodness, as bad as such a pair could be, renjun wouldn't have it any other way. renjun loved to rile his boyfriend up, he loved to be manhandled by the strongest of the two.

"alright, you can choose which bikini to try next!" the cameraman informs, snapping renjun out of his thoughts.

"sure," renjun bows, walking out of the swimming pool to change. renjun internally giggles to himself, as a familiar black car parks some feet away from renjun's shooting location.

upon seeing his handsome boyfriend step out of the automobile, renjun feels adrenaline rush throughout his body-- he has so much in store for jaemin today.

renjun being a quirky little shit, in the moment that his manager let him know he'd be doing a swimwear photoshoot, decided that he'd use the opportunity to aggravate his easily riled-up boyfriend.

renjun quickly slips into the dressing room, carefully choosing a bikini bottom (sPonGeBob sQuArE-- okay bye but was I the only one who as a child was told if I watched that I would be dumb-- okay bye nvm that's why- oh) and then pulling a robe over himself to conceal his body.

"babe? are you in here?" a low voice asks from the opposite side of the door. "coming!" renjun yells, before opening the door.

jaemin smiles his wide pearly smile and groans lightly when his model of a boyfriend jumps into his arms.

renjun presses chaste kisses along jaemin's chiseled face. "hey hey now, they're waiting outside for your photoshoot!" renjun being the cheeky little shit he is, interrupts jaemin with a loud groan, teasingly tangling his hands in the hair on jaemin's nape.

"and you suddenly care? in my last photoshoot, you almost bent me over right here," renjun gestures at the counter, "and fucke--" renjun and his loud fucking mouth, goodness.

as the oldest of the two continues to ramble his mouth off, the younger (as always) stares at renjun's pink lips. jaemin leans down, a hand holding renjun's head, staring into the beautiful and misleading innocent eyes he fell in love with.

when renjun goes completely quiet, hands scrunching into his shirt, jaemin smirks and goes for it. the youngest of the two brings their lips into a slow, heated kiss.

the chinese male instantly makes a whiny and needy sound, feeling the need to submit. fuck, it always felt so right to have jaemin's lips ravishing his own, his smaller body caged in jaemin's protective arms.

and as much as renjun wanted to further moan into jaemin's mouth, the younger was right-- the photographer was waiting.

not only that but renjun's plan wouldn't be put into motion if he spent the next who knows how many minutes making out (and perhaps going further) with his boyfriend in the changing rooms.

renjun tries his best not to whine in disappointment when he pulls away from the younger, ignoring the very sExY groan jaemin makes.

god, -- from the way jaemin's shirt was scrunched open to show off his collarbones, the slightly disheveled look on his face- renjun wanted nothing more than to be bent over for the said man, but that all can be done later on.

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