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"i'll always protect you, injunnie, even when you're old and wrinkly," jaemin says to toddler renjun, who scoffs. "i'm only older by months! if anything, we'll be wrinkly together, my 'knight in shining armor' " renjun says, emphasizing the nickname, jokingly.

and jaemin bows nonetheless, a smile plastered upon his face, cutely chubby with baby fat. "i promise, your highness." jaemin says, whilst the two giggle, pinkies finding one another.

and like he promised, here jaemin was, waking up the very prince he swore to protect, which now seemed ages ago.

"junnie, you've got quite the agenda today, hurry up!" jaemin says, voice low, while he sets a hand behind renjun's head, and another on his back, go pull him into a sitting position.

renjun awakens, still groggy from lack of sleep. "you know jaemin," renjun begins, rubbing his still closed eyes.

"when you promised to protect me, that didn't include waking me up at 6 am.." jaemin chuckles, a chuckle so deep but sweet that renjun was almost gonna forgive the latter for waking him up so early.


"well, this so happens to be a requirement for being your knight in shining armor, sweetheart." jaemin says, smiling. renjun rolls his eyes but gets up even so.

"so? you gonna watch me change?" renjun asks, while he teasingly pulls down one edge of the robe he was wearing, to expose his milky white shoulder, and collarbone.

renjun doesn't fail to notice jaemin's gaze, one that lingers a moment too long at the display of newfound skin, yet renjun doesn't seem to want this heated moment to end.

tension was clear in the room, not thick enough for jaemin to lose his mind and finally pounce on the older, but just enough for his eyes to momentarily feast upon the show before him.

"meet you in fifteen, don't be late, huang." in renjun's opinion, he'd loved it if jaemin were to lose formalities for once, but knight's duties i guess. renjun resumes taking his robe off, and begins looking for his 'royal prince clothes'.

just as renjun remembered that he didn't hang up his special clothes in a closet anymore, he watches a maid enter the room. "thanks," renjun mumbles, as the woman hands him fancy clothes, knowing that renjun prefers not to be pampered to the point where others must dress him.

renjun didn't always live in the castle, he could've been considered but a civilian when he was a kid. renjun completes the task of dressing himself and is quick to meet jaemin in the hallway.

"what're you thinking about?" jaemin asks the latter. renjun can't hide the small smile beginning to appear on his face— he never can, not when jaemin knows him so well, that he doesn't have to analyze renjun's face to know his status.

"our old life. remember when you made me the promise?" renjun asks, and jaemin smiles along. "of course, how could i not? those were times when all was simple." jaemin responds, their footsteps resounding on the floor as they walked into the main hall.

back then, renjun lived with only his mother, a woman unknown to royalty— just a poor woman who ended up bearing the child of the newfound prince, king to be.

that woman was killed after an attack on jaemin and renjun's home village, the place renjun lived in because the prince known as his father, didn't want his betrothed to know he already had a son, and with a poor woman.

"although it's always fancy attire, today is a bit more simple, what're we doing later?" renjun asks. jaemin's face hides any trail left by the smile he once had, and he comes to a halt.

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