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         Ironically, the best way to delay Erik was to do nothing. The artificial storm she created required tremendous amount of energy to maintain it and she knew she would not last longer than ten minutes – her body had yet to adjust to having her telepathy back and the break-in at the Pentagon had significantly worn her out. However, without the storm, she would lose speed and strength, and if she did not have those upper-hands, Erik would have her pinned like a tag in a blink of an eye.

So, even though it was obviously foolish, Angelika remained rooted as Erik shot two metal bars in her direction. One went through her thigh and the other wrapped itself around her neck, both of them pinning her to the glaucous ground.

Angelika nearly screamed but she held it in, gritting her teeth until her jaw ached. Humans were already terrorised by their display of violence, from crashing the Peace Summit they tried so hard to achieve to the worldly known mutant terrorist hunting another mutant, and she could hear their thoughts clear as day.

Violent freaks.

This was why Angelika hated having telepathy. She already cared so much about other's opinions of her and the mutant race. Knowing their thoughts did nothing but add on stress that her mind could not handle.

As the metal bender released his hold over her, she sat up slowly to examine her newly acquired wound. The only thing that brought her solace in that moment was that Erik had not broken the bone or damaged a nerve. 

"Nice aim," Angelika panted, "I won't need anything else but stitches and a handful of painkillers. Alcohol sounds enticing as well."

His face unreadable, Erik watched as her blood poured onto the pavement, swallowing hard. "Why didn't you move?" 

"This is why," she replied as she pointed towards the sky where the storm had receded completely and regained its pale, blue hue. It couldn't be more obvious that she lacked the strength to overpower him in that moment. "My mission was to keep you here, not kill you."

"That's fucking bullshit."

The look on Erik's face was quite comical and Angelika would have laughed if she weren't so confused as to why he was so angry. Since when did he care about who he hurt?

As humiliating it was for Angelika, she didn't have it in her heart to speak the truth, that she couldn't fight him because of a childish promise they made a lifetime ago. After the war, the pair had promised that no matter what happened, they would not fight against each other. She wanted him to accept her as his ally, his companion but he only complied to her request because she was very persistent when she wanted something and he didn't want her bothering him in the dead of the night.

It was perfectly natural for Erik to have forgotten; she was already familiar with the way he functioned. Emotional ties were burdens to him because it meant he had one more thing to tend to when he needed to focus on getting revenge on the murderer of his mother and the destroyer of his youth. 

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