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"Would you like some chocolate, Angelika?"

Despite his broad smile and the sweet goodness he was offering, the young girl cowered, pushing her fragile body further into the chair. The man, as if he was feeding on her evident fear, laughed out loud and patted her dirty cheek.

The year was 1944 and it was hell on Earth.

Families were torn apart, homes robbed and blood spilled for the most insignificant reasons because some felt entitled to gift humanity a better tomorrow by eradicating those they deemed inferior.

Encountering thousands and thousands of Jews every day, the Nazis began to take notice on the... unnatural ones. Regardless to their struggles to remain unexposed, their fear and anger made them an easy prey. Thus, behind the ludicrous scientists who thrived for insignificant gene alteration, Klaus Schmidt trained the stray mutants, conducting experiments to see how far their abilities could be stretched. 

To mutate a mutation.

"Why are you scared of me, my dear?" Schmidt asked as he leaned forward. "I am merely making you stronger so you can achieve greatness."

A shudder shook Angelika's body violently. Tears rose to the brims of her dull grey eyes as she hiccupped. Grasping on the worn hem of her stripped uniform, she tried to calm the tremors. She closed her eyes as she endeavoured to recall the moments of happiness she had lived a lifetime ago and clung on the echoes of her mother's soothing voice.

"Have the men been treating you poorly?" Schmidt manifested faux-concern as he got up from his chair and stood next to her. Angelika screamed at the proximity, the sinister and vile aura radiating from the scientist suffocating the telepath.

"P-Please, get away from me. I beg of you, please."

"Let's play a game, my little Angel," he paid no attention to her pleading. He patted the top of her head and lifted her chin with a single finger, forcing her to look him in the eyes. "Tell me, what am I thinking of right now?"

Gulping, she shook her head, expressing her refusal.

"If you disappoint me, I'll be forced to punish you. Or better, your dying friend, Henryk, will no longer get the treatment he needs."

Her ashy face paled with dread at the mention of her ill friend. Although it was a good thing he did not risk getting gunned or abused by a pig while living in horrible conditions, Angelika despised the fact that Schmidt could also easily kill him if she ever displeased him.

"I am waiting," Schmidt reminded impatiently.

Dirty, calloused hands rose hesitantly on both side of his head. A manic grin spread on his face as he felt the shy intrusion. He sensed that Angelika was too frightened to venture further, so he showed her the special project he had on-going in his beautiful mind.

The young mutant's mind - for the sake of her sanity - jolted back to reality. For her stomach was as empty as the day she was born, she threw up stomach acid.

Schmidt clicked his tongue in disapproval, "I thought you'd be enthusiastic to exploit your powers without restriction?"

"You want me to become a human gas chamber," Angelika paused as she drew in a shaky breath, "It's cruel, even from someone like you, Doctor."

"Someone like me?" The despicable man regained his seat and stared at her. "Since the very day your family was brought to the gas chamber, I have been nothing but a warm father figure to you, Angelika. You have harmed officers of high-rank; I could've ended your pathetic life. Instead I granted you a new, promising one. Moreover, I even took your good-for-nothing friend under my care. How can you spew out such ungrateful nonsense?"

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