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          "Angelika, no!"

Elias Gray thought Caliban had finally gone mental when he called him at 3 in the morning, spewing rapid nonsense. He claimed Angelika was in danger and that she needed someone to protect her. When Elias threatened to hang up unless he calmed down, Caliban took a shaky breath and briefly explained the situation. Something about a time travelling were-mutant, preventing Mystique from assassinating Trask to change the future and lastly, Angelika risking her life for the wrong person and cause.

At first, he scoffed at him, finding ridiculous that he was asking him, a mere teleporting tracker mutant, to protect a level 4 mutant who could destroy the entire planet if she wanted to.

Angelika Frank was, without a doubt, the strongest mutant Elias had ever met in his life. He watched the woman dismantle illegal mutant fight rings for breakfast and free imprisoned mutants from illegal facilities for lunch without breaking a sweat. Once she had a purpose, a cause to fight for, she was unstoppable.

No matter how ridiculous his request sounded, Elias humoured him. Following Angelika from a distance, he finally understood what Caliban meant. From Washington to Paris, and from Paris to Washington, he had never seen Angelika act so recklessly. At the Pentagon, she broke Magneto out from the concrete prison he was stuck in and she was covered in blood when some silver-haired kid sped her away from trouble. And in Paris, she used her powers in public when there were journalists in the area and allowed Magneto to injure her to stop him from going after Mystique.

Caliban had not exaggerated one bit when he screamed that in the presence of Erik Lehnsherr, Angelika was seconds away from getting herself killed. In that moment, she was not the organised and cold blooded person he admired.

But, that morning in Washington, Elias realised he was way out of his league when things took an unexpected turn yet again. As if being so close to Trask wasn't dangerous enough, Magneto crashed the celebration in the most dramatic way, isolating the White House with an entire baseball stadium.

The metal bender stood and forced everyone to witness madness. He aspired fear and power. Elias honestly couldn't tell if the tenderness Angelika showed Magneto was part of a farce or sincere. He listened to every words she spoke to him and let down his walls. The moment was short-lived as Magneto became livid and used his power to quite literally throw her away.

Elias had not meant to cry out loud. But all colours drained from his face as he watched Angelika soar high and fast towards the river. Before she completely disappeared from his sight, he opened a portal right above her and watched as she crashed into the calm body of water.

He dived in, not losing another second.


When people were sick and wounded, they could go to the hospital and get checked by a doctor. But where could a drenched and exhausted tracker mutant take an unconscious, bleeding telepath?

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