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          "Steal a jeep, drive it and get the hell out from here. Easy peasy, right?"

The way bullets rained, the Germans were not killing the prisoners just because they believed they deserved it. No, they feared the truth about what was really happening inside the camps might spread and reach the other side of the world. World history needed to remember Hitler's Reich as the most flawless system to have guided the superior race to a better future.

Albert gritted his teeth. He and the two children were sitting ducks inside the medical experimentation building. Unlike the original plan suggested by Angelika, stealing a vehicle proved to be much harder.

Deciding against accusing his companion for not consulting him before asking the help of a third-party, Erik straightened his lips, the gears in his head grinding at an extreme speed. The thought of deflecting the bullets which might hit the group while they escaped was thrown out of the window. Unfortunately, he did not fully master his ability yet.

"I said I was sorry!" Angelika shouted, throwing her hands in the air. "I thought since we are quite close to the gates it'd be easy to just steal a car and run away!"

"That's why you have me. I'm the smart one. You need to talk to me before taking decisions,"Erik stated.

"Oh, please! You asked me if I could drive just before Albert came. You're an idiot."

"Children," Albert interjected, raising his voice to grab the bickering pair's attention, "We don't have the time for this. The SS guards aren't going to stop shooting and we can't hide here forever. What can you two do?"

"I control metal," Erik answered. He then added shamefully, "But I cannot stop all of the bullets from hitting us."

"Erm," Angelika nibbled on her lips, "I can't do much either unless you want to get a heart attack."

Heart attack sounds like a better way to die than getting shot to death, Albert thought humorlessly.

"Albert, please," Angelika shot a look of disapproval, "I believe we can find a solution if we just think for a second."

So close yet unobtainable, freedom was only granted to the daring ones. The young girl scratched her left cheek as she tried to devise a plan. Who could drive a jeep without raising any suspicion? A SS guard or a Kapo. Why? To get backup, to contain the revolt and catch the fleeing prisoners. But the armed prisoners would no doubt shoot if they spot a soldier leaving the camp. Then it hit her.

The 'doctors'.

The prisoners did not know in depth of medical experimentation going on in the camp, meaning they wouldn't shoot at them point blank and the guards were responsible in protecting the psychotic wacko-doodles. Her plan began to take a shape. Albert in disguise, driver. The pair, burdens. She clenched her jaw as the feeling of being useless gnawed at her.

"Either you have a bad plan or you badly need to go to the bathroom" Albert commented, his eyebrow cocked.

"It is a bad plan."

"Well, it can't be worse than staying here, can it be?"


Angelika nearly cried again when her plan worked. A few bullets ricocheted off of the jeep but none of them were injured.

The group had to abandon the smooth path by fear. Albert pointed out it'd be much safer – not to mention smarter – to cross a forest. With a nearly full tank of gas, he estimated they'd get far, far away if the car didn't give up on them.

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