Chapter 11 I Get Asked Out By The Daughter of Hades

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Natsu P.O.V

I started to stirr from my nap as I felt movement from on top of me. I look around me to see that some people did leave but some of the girls were the only ones still on me. Bianca and Zoe were cuddled up under my wing while Artemis was entangled in my tail just enough to keep her warm. They looked so peaceful when there sleeping, I just wanted to keep them there for eternity. But I couldn't do that as when I looked up I saw that it was a night time. The stars were out sparkling so beautifully. I then thought about Luce. She always liked to talk about the stars when we were hanging out, whether it be Her Zodiacs friends or just stars in general. She would just look at them with admiration and curiosity. I remember the time when she was sick and Me and Happy uprooted the The Blossom Tree and sailed down the river for her. Even though we got scolded afterwards. It was worth it to see her smile. I really wanted to just go check in on her and happy, but I couldn't as I need to get my revenge back on Gramps and Gray and I don't need them to know that I am alive. Even if I don't join back in fairy tail I could just become a independent mage with my mates who want to join me. I think it would honesty be fun to go on Adventures with my mates it could be really fun and nice. I then was broken out of my thoughts as foot steps approached me.

"Aye, Aye Natsu you awake bud?" I heard a voice call out.

I turn my head towards the voice to see it was Percy. He had on a blue sleeve polo shirt with  Navy Blue shorts. He had a bag slung over his shoulder and a hoodie in hand.

"Percy what's up, I would come and greet you but as you can see" I said directing at the girls who were still asleep.

"Aye don't bother man I understand, I see you are fitting in the camp well" he said.

"Yeah, I guess once they saw I was the big Dragon from yesterday people just I haven't had any problems really. I just hope they aren't scared of me." I said as I really didn't want people to respect me out of fear.

"I'm sure it isn't like that. Your a nice guy and to top it off you got a kind soul. I think their just surprised about the Dragon part. " He said with a chuckle.

"Thanks Percy I needed that. But anyway what's with the bag. You moving into the house with us ?." I asked.

"Actually no I am not. While you and the others were asleep Dionysus the camp director came back from Olympus." He said

"Dionysus? Is he that God that used a vine to stop me?" I asked as I still didn't know.

"Yep that's the one. He is the God of wine and many other things." He said

"Well I just hope he doesn't try anything while I'm here. It would be troublesome if he were planning something. Im actually enjoying my time here in this realm with you guys." I said with a smile on my face

"Happy to hear that, but anyway while you guys were asleep I went go ask Dionysus why Olympus wanted to kill me." He said

"Oh, I guess I should've asked that when I was up there. But anyway why did they wanted to?" I asked

"He said a profecey was told about a Demigod reaching the age of 16 would bring the demise of Olympus. They had decided that I'm the only one probably able to bring such a thing" he said while looking sadly on the ground.

I felt bad for him. He was getting blamed because a random profecey wasn't specific on who was going to bring the down fall of Olympus. Mavis the Gods need some help.

"Percy, you don't have to listen to what those Idiot gods say. Your future is your own nobody else's. You shouldn't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders just because the gods made you feel like it.
If anyone's to blame it would be those dumb witted gods who can't protect there home." I said in a calm but serious tone.

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