Chapter 5 Bullying A Dragon

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Natsu P.O.V

We had teleported to the front door of the ruins and looked at the giant door in awe.

"Are you guys ready?" Percy said looking at the rest of us

I punch my fist together and ignite myself

" I'm all fired up!!!" I said with a smirk on my face

They all nodded their heads signaling they were ready. I then opened the door and walked inside. The sight and the smell of the place made me almost pass out as all you saw was piles of bones that took up most of the room. The air smelled like death and Dried blood and if you look at the walls there was blood splatter on them. The scene utterly disgust me as who would be this mad and evil to do this. I looked over my shoulder seeing Bianca behind me trembling and having a little grip on my jacket. I then turn to her and put my hand on her shoulder She looks up at me with fear in her eyes. I don't like seeing her scared so I thought of something to make her calm down. It was the same thing I did for Luce whenever she was down or scared. I leaned my forehead on hers and spoke in a calm and soft tone.

"Bianca it's Okay, There's no reason to be afraid Okay. I'm here I'll protect you guys alright?" I said as I opened my eyes looking directly at hers.

Her Eyes softened and She gave me a little nod before her cheeks started to turn pink. She must've realized how close I was as she then turn away from my gaze making me chuckle at her being flustered. At this point Percy, Thalia and Zoe was already ahead of us. I started walking to them but then a weird smell hit my nose making me stop in my tracks causing Bianca to stop and look up at me.

"Natsu.. What's wrong?" She asked with a little bit of worry in her voice.

I didn't answer I just kept smelling the air and looked around for the scent. At this point Percy Thalia and Zoe had turned to face me looking at wondering why I had stopped. I the scent smelled like a dragon but not a dragon it was weird as it was all over the place and I couldn't pinpoint it. I then heard a light growl from a pile of bones that was close to Zoe. I turned to it's direction and stared at the pile of bones and that's when I saw it. It was starring directly at me with a glare in it eyes. Somewhere in the middle of starring my eyes had turned to slits and my eyes golden. I starred at the dragon wait for it to come and charge at me but it did something I should of accounted for. It turn it's attention away from me and turned towards Zoe. When I saw this I tried to warm her.

" Z-Zoe Move. Now!!!" I said in a serious and loud tone

But before she could even react to what I said the dragon jumped from it's hiding spot and bit Zoe on her leg . He began to throw her around in the air making some blood from her leg fly. Percy and Thalia backed away from the dragon and came running towards me and Bianca. The dragon had then looked like it was going to throw Zoe up to eat her whole but I wasn't going to let that happen. So once he threw Zoe high in the air I took that chance to Dash and Attack.

"Fire Dragon God Iron Fist" I said as I punched the dragon with a flaming fist making fly half way across the room.

I then float in that same place for a second before catching Zoe bridal style so she won't have a bad impact.
When I caught her you could tell she was scared. She was shaking furiously and had tears in the corner of her eyes asking to be released and was quietly sobbing. Held her tightly to my chest and began to slowly land. Once my feet touched the ground Zoe let out a yelp before tears streamed down her face not knowing of her fate. I didn't like seeing her cry as it was hurting me on the inside, She may not know it but she's one of  mates and I don't like seeing my mates cry. I then started rocking her and began to hum a soft but sweet tone only she can hear. When I started humming she got less tensed up and relaxed in my arm. She then slowly opened her eyes looking at me straight into my onyx eyes with her water and glossy ones. I smiled at her showing that she was okay in my arms and thus comfort her as she smiled back and snuggled in my chest with her head. I then turned around to the group and looked at them. All of them looked at me in surprise as I had just punched a Dragon all the way across the room with just 1 punch. I then looked at Bianca look at with a hint of jealousy in her eyes. I chuckled silently at her because she is cute when she's jealous. I look back at Percy and Thalia seeing that there face had turned from surprised to Worry. I then looked behind me and saw the Dragon slowly getting up with it's burnt face and bruised face. I then turn back to the group and look back at them.

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