Chapter 9 : The Interview

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So I'm eating lunch with my family.
Mom : So how are your friends ?
(A/N Note : So her parents know about her friends and Jennie and her and Jennie's relationship )
Y/N : Their good , I'm going to video chat with them after this .
Dad : Ok good.
Y/N : So quick question but why do all these elites and royal send their kids to Aura Academy.
Dad : Well because of tradition and it's a good school .
Mom : Also because we don't want our children to grow up in the public eye.
Dad : Also both me and your mom meet their like you and Jennie☺️
Y/N: Hey stop it 😳
Mom : Hehe.
Mom : We would love to meet her.
Dad : I would also love to meet her.
They ate their food and talked more. I went inside room and got on the phone with Jisoo , Rosé ,
All : Hiiiii !
Jisoo : So what are y'alls background I'm a The Princess of Calida .
All expect Jisoo : Wooww.
Lisa : I'm the Princess of Northuldra.
Rosé : I'm the Princess of Ailla.
Y/N : Well were all royalty I wonder who is the Princess or Prince of the Yin Yang kingdom.
Rosé : Ya well you knew their will be a dinner with all the royals in each kingdom .
Then Erika comes in .
Erika : Hello your majesty I'm sorry to disturb you but I forgot to mention that today after the interview you will go to the stylist to have an outfit for the dinner in the Calida Kingdom .
Y/N : Thank you for telling me.
Erika : I will take my leave your majesty.
Y/N : Ok Bye !
She bows and leaves.
Rosé : Who is that ?
Jisoo : Ya .
Y/N : That is my assistant.
Lisa : Cool .
Rosé : Well dinner is happening in Jisoo's kingdom.
Jisoo : Yes should I invite Jennie to this call ?
All except Jisoo : Ya.
She invited Jennie in the video call.
Jennie : Hiii !
Y/N : So what your background ?
Jennie : Well me and my brother are royals of Yin Yang kingdom. He will be the next king of the Yin Yang kingdom.
Y/N : Well we are all the royal of our kingdom .
Jennie : Well we are all princesses !
Y/N : I have to get ready for my interview.
Jennie : Ok don't be too nervous.
Lisa : Ya .
Y/N : Yes ok biii !
All expect Y/N : Biii!
I turn off the call .
I change my outfit and get ready for the interview.

Her outfit:

During the interviewInterviewer : Hello everyone and we welcome Her majesty our princess , Y/N Elsanora

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During the interview
Interviewer : Hello everyone and we welcome Her majesty our princess , Y/N Elsanora.
Y/N : Hello everyone.
Interviewer: So we will be asking you some questions.
Y/N : Ok .
By this time you had sat down on a couch.
Interviewer: So how did you feel about being a royal ?
Y/N  : Well I think it will take some getting used to.
Interviewer: Ok next question do you have friends in school ?
Y/N : Yes and turns out they are royals to .
Interviewer : Are you close ?
Y/N : Yes very.
Interviewer: So how is your school?
Y/N : It is a good school.
Interviewer: Are you and your friends roommates ?
Y/N : Yes my close friends.
Interviewer: Were you close to your parents before meeting them in person ?
Y/N : Ye see talked on the phone a lot.
Interviewer: Ok that is it , Thank you Y/N for coming.
Y/N : Thank you for inviting me.
Interviewer:  And that is it for the day.
They turn off the cameras.
Interviewer: Thank you for coming again.
Y/N: Thank you for inviting me again too.
Then I left in a car, there were many people waiting to watch my car go which I found crazy. Erika was with me in the car.
Y/N : So when the stylist appointment ?
It is 4: 00 pm by now.
Erika : We are going there in a hour. We don't need to leave the castle because she is coming to the castle.
Y/N : Ok.
They reach the castle. Then  I went to my room to wear a comfy outfit.( Imagine a comfy outfit) and went to explore the castle. First I went to the garden. It was so pretty . There were so many different flowers. And so many colours. I sat on a swing and just swinged around . It was so nice to be in nature. Then I went to the horse stables. The horses looked really nice . There was also a white horse. Then I went back inside the castle . Then I went to my room to look at all my crowns and jewelry.
Erika : The stylist is here .
Y/N : Ok let her in.
Erika bowed and left .
Stylist : Hello your majesty here are some oufit choices.
Y/N : I like the first one .
Stylist : Let's get started.
I sat down at she started to get me ready .
Her outfit: dress :

Her outfit: dress :

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Hair :

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Hair :

Erika : it's time to go !

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Erika : it's time to go !

Y/N : Ok !

I get in the car.

Then  when we went in Calida's Castle.

I sat next to Jennie and we chatted the entire time. 

??? POV 

I just read about all the royals . Now Jennie in the royalty of Yin Yang . If I marry Jennie I could be a royal . 😏 . Let's hope it works .

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