Chapter 2 : The Actual Start

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3rd Person Pov
So in the dorms their dorms are like apartments.1 dorm 5 rooms and bathrooms. 1 kitchen and dining and living room. And 2 dorms on each floor.

They are sitting in the living room.

Jisoo: So what do you think about what Jennie asked ?

Rosé : Well we do need someone from the Yin Yang kingdom.

Y/N : Ya we do.

Lisa : Fine I'll agree but that girl annoying.

Rosé : So should I call her head to discuss the project ?

Y/N: You have her no. ?!

Rosé : She's on our school group.

Jisoo : True call her.

Lisa : Does she know our dorm no. ?

Rosé : I'll tell her it on the phone .

Rosé calls Jennie


Lisa : chill Y/N there just cookies .

Y/N : But my cookies .

Jennie enters

Jennie : Hello teammates .

All expect Jennie: Hello !

Jennie : Why was the first thing I heard when I came near the door was someone screaming about cookies.

They all start to laughing

Lisa: That was Y/N she was screaming about someone finishing the cookies.

Y/N : Well they were my cookies I bought them and no one told me who finished them.

Rosé:Well you didn't label them as yours and you put them in the kitchen without a label they are everyones.

Y/N : So you finished them.

Rosé: Yes and it's not my fault you didn't label it .

Y/N : ugh..

Jisoo : Let's discuss the project !

Y/N : I think we should write about our own kingdoms .

Rosé : Ya !

Jennie We should do that because in a few months we are going meet our families , We should know some general knowledge .

Lisa : Agreed.

Jennie : Your apartment is very nicely decorated .

Y/N : Thanks.

Jisoo : Who are your dorm mates ?

Jennie : I live with Somi , Chungha, Sunmi and Aliee .

Lisa : That's nice , are you close ?

Jennie : Ya , we live together.

Y/N : We should discuss the project .

Jisoo : Who will make the slide show ?

Jennie : I can but you just need to send me the information.

All expect Jennie: Ya ok.

Rosé : When is it due ?

Jisoo : Next week Monday and today's Monday so we have a week.

Jennie : So send me the information by wensday day I'll make the slide show the same day and we could practice the rest of the week.

Y/N : I'm fine with that .

Everyone expect Jennie and Y/N : Agreed.

Jennie : I have to complete my hw , byw see you tomorrow !

Everyone except Jennie: Bye!!

After Jennie leaves

Y/N : She's not that bad .

Rosé : She's changed .

Lisa : She seems nice now do you think we could leave our past behind us .

Jisoo : So you want to befriend her after all we went through .

Y/N : I mean it happened 4 yrs ago.

Rosé : Maybe she's just acting nice  .

Jisoo : Ya what if ?

Lisa : Ok we'll treat her like a classmate not an enemy .

Y/ N : Let's just not hate her .

Jisoo & Rosé : Ok that's doable.

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