Chapter 10 : The Elites

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The Next day


I wake and have breakfast. Then Erika told me my schedule.

Erika : Good morning your majesty.

She bows

Y/N : Good morning Erika .

Erika : So today you a the stylist's appointment at 11 am .Then you have 2 charity events. Then you have a dinner with the elites.

Y/N : Ok do I need to wear a crown for the dinner ?

Erika : You can if you want to.

Y/N : You don't need so formal your my assistant after all and your only few years elder than me do want to be friends like you seem like a nice person.

Erika : But--

Y/N : C' mon your one of the few people I know in this castle.

Erika : Ah ok tell me about yourself ?

Y/N : Well you already know about me tell me about yourself and come sit here it must be tiring standing all the time .

Erika : Umm ok .

Erika : Well I studied management in school .

Y/N : Which province are you from ?

( A/N Note :The kingdom is divided into 7 provinces . The capital city is its own province . One elite family rules each province expect the capital is directly governed by the royal family . And the lower elites are basically celebrities they are powerful they are company ceo families and those kind of people. The higher elite are people who rule over provinces and are distanclty related to the royals .There are also dutchess and dutch titles to royal who don't take the throne . Like the British royal family )

Erika : I'm from the province Boliva ( A/N note : this has nothing to do with real place )

Y/N : Ow the coast , how is it ?

Erika : It's beautiful.

Y/N : I wish I could there.

Erika : You will next you come here because your going on a tour of the kingdom.

Y/N : Really cool you have to show me around when I go .

Erika : Ya your stylist is going to come to talk about the outfits for the rest of the week I'll take my leave your majesty .

Y/N : Ok see you around bye!!

Erika : Bye ! :-D

She bows and leaves.

The stylist comes and i chose my outfits. Now it's time for the charity events.

Her outfit

Her outfit

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Erika : Your majesty it's time to go for the charity events

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Erika : Your majesty it's time to go for the charity events.
Y/N : Ok let's go !
After the charity events . It was nice to go the events because I got to meet so many people. But there were so many news and paparazzi people. I go in the garden to clear my mind.
Erika : Your majesty there you I was looking for you.
Y/N : Yes .
Erika : It's time to get ready for the dinner.
Y/N : Ok .
I leave to my room.
My outfit :

We welcome the people inside and we start talking to everyone

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We welcome the people inside and we start talking to everyone.

??? POV
Y/N : Hello.
??? : Hello.
Y/N : Your in my history class , right?
??? : Yes.
Y/N : Ok let's get to the point I suggest you be careful .
??? : What do you mean ?
Y/N : I know everything.
??? : But what can you do ?
Y/N : 😏 hehe I can do a lot your a lower class elite.......


Kai : *scofs what !
Y/N : Charge you with treesan and much more because your just a step above to general public. Shall I say it again your just a lower class elite. *scofs . Be careful what you do because could loose your life or be disowned by your family.
Kai : They would not disown me.
Y/N : They would to keep good relationships between the royals. They care more about that than a son they sent to Aura Academy when he was 5 .😏
Kai : They don't !
Y/N : They do , tread carefully bye.
Kai : Ha , tread carefully I'll do whatever I want !
Y/N : Did I forget to mention that the public loves me I could change their opinion about you with the snap of my fingers .
She leaves .
Why is she so correct . Ugh I hope my plan works . Let's see who wins.

I leave Kai.
Erika : What was that about ?
Y/N : I'll tell you later after all this ok.
Erika : Ok but you have to tell me .
Erika leaves
Y/N : Ya .
Somi : Hiii !
Y/N : Hii so your a higher class elite now eh.
Somi : Ya and you your friends and Jennie are royalty .
Y/N : Ya crazy right !
Somi : Ya .
Y/N : Got the info .

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